Monday 13 July 2015

The Phoenix Presents ... perfect for summer reading challenges

When I was a kid growing up in the seventies and eighties, everybody bought weekly comics. From the old classics like The Beano and The Dandy, through to Jackie and Smash Hits, there was something for everyone and every week without fail, pocket money was excitedly clutched in grubby hands on the traditional trip to the newsagent's for the latest edition. I suppose it's a sign of the times that internet now provides up-to-the-minute celeb gossip and ipad apps have replaced kids' short stories so many teens and pre-teens don't buy magazines any more.

The Phoenix want to reverse the trend though. Every week of the year, they release a 32 page comic packed with thrilling adventures, rib-cracking comedies, boggling true stories and deviously difficult puzzles (as they say on their facebook page). They target "children aged 6-12 (and everyone else who loves stories)" and, as comics are less daunting than books, I think they are the perfect way to get reluctant readers to engage in the traditional summer reading challenge without feeling bogged down.

They have also released a series of The Phoenix Presents comic books, which feature strips that have already appeared in the weekly comics. We reviewed a few this time last year (the ones in the picture above - click through here to read that review) and I've just handed some more (in the picture below) over to Sophie and Juliette to keep them occupied during the holidays. 

I'll have reviews of these and some more recent volumes coming up over the next few weeks so keep your eyes open if you want to see which ones are best suited to your children. The weekly comics are available on subscription but also individually, in high street shops and online. The comic books are also available at amazon as well as other retailers, so you may want to stock up, especially if you have long car or plane trips to get through with no wifi access !

for more information :

Disclosure : I received the product in order to write an honest review.

1 comment:

  1. I read them all the time at school. I love them
