Monday 17 August 2015

Picture book review : The Me Me Me's Angry Me - Annabelle Neilson & Astro

The Me Me Me's are a unique collection of characters who explore the ups and downs of emotions that every child can relate to. The whole atmosphere reminded me very much of the Inside Out film that is bound to be a huge hit at cinemas over the summer.

The first book in the series presents the little red character who is often under a black cloud, Angry Me. It's not his fault if things make him angry - lost bikes and shoes, tripping down the stairs, not getting his own way at playtime, most things can set him off and once he's angry, he'll scream, shout, break things, scribble on the walls, ...

Pierre was utterly enthralled as I read the story, all written in rhyme, to him because I could see him relating to the character and the way his emotions sometimes swirl out of control.

Luckily, Mellow Yellow Me is there to take him by the hand, play with him to calm him down then show him that there's no need to get angry because his bike is waiting for him just behind a tree (where he probably left it in the first place !).

The books are fun to read with detailed illustrations that are brilliant to explore with your child, helping to put words to emotions and behaviour that they may not understand, control or be able to express. The absolute joy of the book is that when Pierre starts to get into a strop, I can say to him "uh oh, Angry Me is taking over ... let's try and find Mellow Yellow Me" ! By making it into a game and bringing the book back out for some quality, calm time together, it usually avoids a case of the grumps escalating into a full-on tantrum !

I really can't wait to discover the rest of the series  - they're educational, reassuring, empowering and nurturing, but above all great fun to read.

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £6.99

  • Paperback: 32 pages
  • Publisher: Fat Fox Books (18 Aug. 2015)
  • ISBN-10: 0992872871
  • ISBN-13: 978-0992872878

Disclosure : We received the book in order to write an honest review.

Family Fever


  1. Aw, it's cute. My nephew would probably like this book.

  2. Love the idea behind this book.Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  3. This is such a lovely idea and I can really see how this would help little ones who are sometimes struggle to express themselves or understand why they feel the way they do.
    I think this may make a Xmas stocking list (yes, I'm thinking of that already!!)
    Lovely review. Thank you

    1. Aaaggghhh I'm not thinking about the C-word at least until the kids have gone back to school !! lol

  4. I do so love a good rhyme in a story!
    Thanks for sharing your review on #TriedTested this week x

  5. Sounds like a great book, I might need it to help me with my emotions too!! :)

    Kirsty Fox
