Monday 26 October 2015

Drumond Park Logo Lite review

The colder months of autumn and winter are when we play the most board games so it's been lovely to find some new games that the whole family can enjoy playing together. One such multi-generational game is Logo Lite by Drumond Park, which has been launched this month.

You may remember that we reviewed Drumond Park's Logo Board Game last year and, as its name suggests, Logo Lite is a streamlined version of the same game. You don't need a playing board and it's a much quicker game to play - depending on the general knowledge skills of the players, you should be able to finished a game in about 15 minutes (or considerably more if playing with children or people who rarely watch adverts or scrutinise the shelves in supermarkets !). 

There are three types of question cards - themed, pot luck and picture cards.

Working in teams or as individual players, you have to answer the questions on the cards, getting as many right as possible so that you can spin the spinner and try to be the first to win all the different coloured counters.

The themes are varied enough for it to appeal to players of all ages - the younger players had no problems at all answering questions about sweets and biscuits while the grown-ups were better at the more adult themes such as cars or Christmas carols, for example.

We all had great fun playing with just the right blend of competitiveness and teamwork. It's a short game so you can easily have a rematch if some of the younger players are bad losers !

There were also a few unexpected laughs, such as this rather tongue-in-cheek question about Barbie's boyfriend : "Which of Barbie's friends looks rather pleased with himself and measures an impressive 11 inches?". The humour went straight over the kids' heads but had all the grown-up players giggling helplessly !

The fact that it's a more compact version of the original Logo game makes it brilliant as a travel game (you could just pack the cards and the counters if you're short on space) or a quick game when you haven't got enough time to sit down for a long drawn-out game but still want to spend some quality time as a family. 

This will definitely be pulled out on Christmas Day after the turkey when everyone's starting to fall asleep in front of the telly ! The suggested age range is 12 to adult but 6-year-old Pierre and 10-year-old Juliette both managed to join in and answer quite a few of the questions within their teams.

Look out for my giveaway in the next post where you can win Logo Lite.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £19.99

for more information :

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.

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