Sunday 4 October 2015

Sunday weigh-in : Stuck in a rut

Well, the good news, I didn't put any weight on this week, but the bad news is, I haven't lost a single gram in the last three weeks. My scales seem to have got stuck ! Oh well, I suppose it could be worse !

To be fair, I haven't made much effort this week, through lack of time rather than motivation. (As you can probably tell from the fact that I'm posting this mid afternoon rather than in the morning - I've just finished my marking !) Every single one of my half days off got gobbled up so there was no time to squeeze in the wii fit - on Monday I finish at lunchtime but I stayed at work until 3pm phoning around the parents so I got home just before the school run; on Tuesday afternoon we had an inset training session for the new school reform; on Wednesday I spent the morning running errands and the afternoon walking around with Sophie to sort out her work experience, then taking Pierre to a party at McDonald's and picking him up again. I felt like I had flu in the evening, all achey, but my FitBug informed me that we'd racked up 18km (over 11 miles) - eek ! And the rest of the week, I finish at 5.30.

I've given up saying things will settle down - next week is a normal week but the week after, I have three parent-teacher evenings so I'll be shovelling whatever Madhouse Daddy can find in the freezer into my mouth when I get back home ! After that it's the holidays though so I'll make a concerted effort then.

Positives of the week

- The scales aren't moving but I'm eating pretty well and getting in lots of walking.

Current targets 

Last week's target : Find the time (or make time) to squeeze in at least one wii fit run - stay in the 80's (half done)

This week's targets : Find the time (or make time) to squeeze in at least one wii fit run and listen to the Slimpod - stay in the 80's (third time lucky ?!)

Short-term targets 

(1) get back into the 80's
(2) get my "lbs lost" back into double figures
(3)  get my "weight to lose" badge down into the 40's 
 (4)  get back to 87kg, my pre-holiday weight 
(5) get my "kg lost" badge back into double figures 
(6) get my "weight loss" badge higher than my "still to go" badge
(7) get back into my (smallest) bright blue jeans comfortably
(8) get back to 77kg - my lowest weight since my pregnancies

Longer-term targets :  Hit my target weight of 70kg.

START WEIGHT :93.7kg (BMI 34.8)
WEIGHT TODAY : 89.9kg (BMI 33.4)
STILL TO GO : 19.9kg

Feel free to add your weightloss posts to my weekly linkie - it's great to see how everyone else has been getting on and give each other support and encouragement. You can even grab the linkie code and add it to your own blog if you like. :)

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  1. It's hard when you've got so much other stuff going on as well.
    I've started listening to the slimpod again. It's only been a few nights so far so I'm not noticing any change yet but I'm sure I will soon. It really did help me last time and with Christmas coming up I want to try and stay in control.
    Good luck for next week :) xx

    1. You've reminded me to go and listen to it again !! Thanks for the kick up the bum ! :)

  2. Try not to get hung up on the numbers, I know it's hard, but as long as you're eating well and moving you're doing great, focus on that.

    1. That is actually extremely good advice - I should ditch the scales for a while (easier said than done ! lol)

  3. You walked 11 miles? You must have calves of steel chick!! The fact you have maintained for 3 weeks is an achievement in itself - your body is preparing itself for a fab loss! It is all one thing after another at the moment, take it in your stride love and keep doing what you are doing! #WeightLossWednesday xx

    1. Thank you ! Hope you're right about the fab loss coming up ! lol xx

    2. I totally know I am! You can do it chick! :) xx

  4. Maintaining is an achievement in itself especially with such a busy schedule so well done!
