Sunday 8 November 2015

Mine's A Cravendale ! #milkdrinkersmilk

If you head over to the Cravendale website at the moment, you can make yourself a #MilkDrinkersMilk poster to share on social media or download to your computer. We just had fun making this one of Pierre - did you recognise him ?! I know he hasn't got glasses but it was the only way to give him eyes !

Ah, here's the real Pierre, enjoying a glass of the white stuff along with his mid-afternoon snack. Britmums recently invited us to share our Cravendale milk-drinking experiences and sent us some vouchers which was very handy as we always love Cravendale for its lovely creamy, fresh flavour. I'd noticed on the bottle that it says that it's filtered for freshness but had never really looked at what this actually means - it's filtered through ceramic to make it purer so it stays fresh for twice as long as normal milk – 7 days once opened and 21 days unopened. I love reducing food waste so this is a big bonus.

The Madhouse kids think that warm milk, and maybe a cookie if they're lucky, is lovely just before bedtime, but for an after school snack, you can't beat a glass of cold milk to wash down a freshly baked cake. This is Pierre enjoying a Black Forest cupcake that we made this weekend (recipe on the way tomorrow). He always loves drinking his milk through a straw, which reminded me of another really fun Cravendale challenge that we got involved with a couple of years ago ...

... putting together some epic straws to drink our Cravendale through !

Now that was a totally loop-the-loopy way of drinking milk. How much fun can you have with a glass of Cravendale ?!

Disclosure : This post is an entry for BritMums #MilkDrinkersMilk Linky Challenge, sponsored by Cravendale.


  1. My son still loves his loopy straws and he is much older!

  2. Great post and your house always looks like great fun. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part
