Wednesday 4 November 2015

Old El Paso Stand 'n' Stuff Soft Taco Kit review

You may remember that last week, we tucked into an Old El Paso Hearty Burrito Kit that I'd picked up in Aldi, so we were delighted to receive another Old El Paso product to review - their Stand 'n' Stuff Soft Taco Kit, along with some extra tortilla shells, which was great news, as the kits always contain eight which is a bit tight for a family of five.

Inside the kit, you get a sachet of mild seasoning mix, a sachet of salsa and a pack of eight soft taco shells. They have the texture of wraps and the shape of tacos but the best thing is, they stand up all by themselves, making them much easier to fill and eat without it all dropping out all over the plate.

The instructions on the box said to use minced beef, but as I'd done that the week before for the burritos, I decided to go for a chicken breast and onion mixture. This worked really well and the seasoning sachet gave it a lovely smoky BBQ flavour with a slight kick.

While the chicken was cooking, I sorted out the extra fillings - I squeezed out the contents of the salsa sachet then emptied a can of sweetcorn and chopped up some tomatoes. I also got some grated cheese out of the fridge, along with two Old El Paso sauces that we happened to have - guacamole and sour cream - because they're lovely with fajitas or even squirted on top of baked potatoes.

The tacos were a huge hit - the kids loved the fact that they were easy to fill and took great pride in creating their own dinner. I always love the fact that they pack loads of salad and veg into their tacos/fajitas without even noticing !

They taste very similar to fajitas if you use chicken but they're easier to put together and less messy to eat so we'll definitely be having these again. There is also a veggie option suggested on the box using red kidney beans and cheese, but I think these would work with a lot of different fillings, such as bacon and avocado or tuna mayo and sweetcorn. They'd even be a fun and kid-friendly way of serving salad, maybe topped with chicken or ham, or a gourmet supper with cream cheese and smoked salmon..

The Soft Taco kits come in three varieties - Smoky BBQ, Extra Mild Super Tasty and Garlic and Paprika - so I'll be investigating the other two as well.

Smoky BBQ, Extra Mild Super Tasty (RRP £3.79) and Stand ‘N’ Stuff Soft Flour Tortillas (RRP £1.89) are widely available at all major supermarkets: Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons. Garlic & Paprika is limited to Tesco and Morrisons with an RRP of £3.79.

star rating : 5/5

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.

1 comment:

  1. These are a great idea, so much easier to eat. I love tacos anyway
