Saturday 16 January 2016

Globecooking recipe : Cheese & Bacon Fougasse (France)

Fougasse is basically the French version of pizza and is a cross between bread and pizza. I went for a classic cheese and bacon option as there wasn't much in the fridge but you could top it with more adventurous ingredients, such as red onions, olives, goat's cheese, anchovies or whatever else you fancy. Traditionally it has a few slits cut into it and widened with your fingers before it goes into the oven and some people mix the extra ingredients into the dough rather than putting them on top. I was going for a quick meal so I didn't bother faffing about and it was still lovely !

Cheese & Bacon Fougasse

ingredients :

250 g flour
1 pinch of salt
a drizzle of oil
20 g fresh/dried (live) yeast 
2 tbsp tomato puree/passata
75g bacon lardons (precooked)
75g grated cheese

Put the flour, salt, oil and yeast (mixed with a little warm water) into a bowl. Add 15cl warm water and gently knead into a ball of dough. Keep going until it gets elastic and stops sticking to your fingers. Leave for an hour and a half in a warm room with a clean teatowel over the bowl.

Preheat the oven to 180°. With your hands, flatten the dough onto an oiled baking tray. Add your toppings and bake for 20-25 minutes until the dough is cooked through and the cheese has gone golden.

*** Don't miss my country-by-country globecooking recipe index ! There are loads of other French dishes for you to try***


  1. This looks yummy- I only have dried yeast I have never worked with fresh I presume it works just as well?

    1. Yes, dried is fine -in France you get "levure boulangère" (fresh or dried but live yeast) and "levure chimique" which is more like baking powder and wouldn't work.

  2. I will be trying this sounds amazing x
