Sunday 10 January 2016

Sunday weigh-in : Off to a false start !

After all the festive over-indulgence, the first week of January is always the time for new year's resolutions and new healthy eating plans ... except in France. Epiphany (or Twelfth Night) in the UK relates to the deadline for putting away the Christmas decorations, whereas in France, it's an excuse for yet another pigout. More to the point, one that you can't politely refuse. The "galette des rois" or Cake of the Kings (Wise Men) is a symbol of good luck for the coming year and if you visit friends in January, you'll have to eat a slice (or two to finish it up, because there's a "fève" or little porcelain figure hiding inside one of the slices,which shows who is the king (or queen) and gets the gold paper crown that comes with the cake). There's a little gathering at work where the boss offers galettes and champagne to all the employees. If you've got kids, you'll have to make or buy at least one. As it's basically two puff pastry sheets filled with a choice of apple, Nutella, almond paste or chocolate, there just isn't a healthy option !

I've had at least four slices already this week  (at work, at the canteen, at home ...) so I knew this week's weigh-in wouldn't be good. 88.8kg. 700g up from last week but I'm OK with that because it's still less than I expected to put on over the whole Christmas period.

I might have a couple more slices to wade through but I'm hoping next week will be better ! 

Positives of the week

- Apart from the galettes, it's been a pretty good week for food.

- Seeing everyone blogging about their goals is keeping me on the straight and narrow - I want to keep on track with the SlimPod and start WiiFit jogging again.

Current targets 

Last week's target :  Keep listening to the SlimPod. Get into the 87's. (FAIL !)

This week's targets :  Keep listening to the SlimPod. Get into the 87's. (Let's try again !)

Short-term targets 

(1) get back into the 80's
(2) get my "lbs lost" back into double figures
(3)  get my "weight to lose" badge down into the 40's
 (4)  get back to 87kg, my pre-holiday weight   
(5) get my "kg lost" badge back into double figures 
(6) get my "weight loss" badge higher than my "still to go" badge
(7) get back into my (smallest) bright blue jeans comfortably
(8) get back to 77kg - my lowest weight since my pregnancies

Longer-term targets :  Hit my target weight of 70kg.

START WEIGHT :93.7kg (BMI 34.8)
WEIGHT LAST WEEK  : 88.0kg (BMI 32.8)
WEIGHT TODAY : 88.8kg (BMI 33)
STILL TO GO : 18.7kg

Feel free to add your weightloss posts to my weekly linkie - it's great to see how everyone else has been getting on and give each other support and encouragement. You can even grab the linkie code and add it to your own blog if you like. :)

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  1. I didn't weigh myself in this week but will next Monday. :-D

  2. Thanks for your linky, Cheryl and your visit last week. I feel this is a very helpful blog post so I am looking forward to catching up each week. Have a good one :) Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

    1. Glad to hear it - it's always encouraging to see how others are getting on :)

  3. Oh I certainly did over indulge over Christmas but am defintely back on the diet now! Here is to a great week x

  4. Thank you for joining in with #slimmerseeker I look forward to seeing how you have got on this week x
