Thursday 28 January 2016

You'll want to hug U Hugs! (review)

Juliette is 10 and, apart from Monster High and Bratz, has basically grown out of dolls so I almost didn't bother clicking through to find out more when an email came in talking about U Hugs dolls from Flair, which are aimed at girls aged between 6 and 10 years old. I'm glad I did though, because as soon as I laid eyes on them, I knew they'd appeal to her. Visually, they really remind me of Monster High, with a cute but distinctly ghoulish vibe going on.

We received two dolls from the collection but there are six available in total. They are designed as collectible quirky characters that bring together creative play and stylish doll characters, allowing girls to express their style, mood and personality by selecting the pins of their choice. Each doll has sixteen holes and a selection of pins, including wigs, accessories, clothes, shoes, brooches and features, so that you can customise them to reflect your mood. We thought that the little plastic containers that they come in would be good for making sure the pins dodn't get lost, but there are actually handy storage compartments on their backs, which is a great idea.

We discovered Scary Baby - that may be her name but we thought she looked ultra cute rather than scary ! She has cute baby accessories such as a dummy, bottle, teddy bear and safety pin, but also seems to have a very sweet tooth, loving anything from biscuits to doughnuts ! The shoes can be reversed, giving you even more options.

The Starry Fairy looks very feisty in this picture but you can make her look much happier if you twist around her eyes a bit ! She has more natural themed pins (bee, star, flower, ...) but the great thing about having several of the dolls is that you can mix and match their pins because they are all interchangeable. Each of the dolls also has a "diamond" UH pin with string attached so that you can hang them up.

The other characters are Sassy Fashion, Screamy Queen, Scratchy DJ and Sweety Rock. I get a distinct feeling that Juliette is going to want to collect them all and I'm sure there will be many more added to the collection in the future.

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.

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