Sunday 21 February 2016

Giveaway #536 : Win a personalised storybook from Create Me Books - closed - winner Ruth Harwood

I've just shared our review of the Prince Pierre Won't Go To Sleep personalised book from Create Me Books, and I'm delighted to be able to give one of you the chance to create your own book.

The books, aimed at children aged 2-7, are designed to put your child at the heart of the delightful story. They are truly personalised, so you can not only add the name of the child to the text but also choose a host of various different combinations to make the person in the story have a likeness to the recipient. This is a lovely bedtime story and totally multi racial too so no one is left out. It's an ideal gift for Christmas, birthdays, christenings etc.

for more information :

I have a code to give away to one lucky Madhouse Family Reviews reader, which will allow you to order a free book including postage. Fill in your entries in the Rafflecopter widget below.

UK only. Closing date : 6/3/16

T & C's : Entries close at midnight on the closing date. Winners will be selected with a random number generator and announced on facebook, twitter and in the giveaway post subject line. Please note, you will be contacted by email and/or twitter and if I haven't heard from you after 28 days, I'll have to pick another winner. Prizes will be sent out by the companies or their PR directly to winners. Madhouse Family Reviews cannot be held responsible for any prizes that go astray !

You may also like to enter my other giveaways :

Giveaway #535 : Win Hotel Transylvania 2 on DVD - closing 25/2


  1. i swear be getting them into a good routine, they learn what expect and sleepheads go off to sleep well after a story

  2. A good routine works well, my boys used to love a story before bed.

  3. we stick to a routine, same time every evening, bath, story and bedtime song (a very quiet and boringly sang as the light goes off)

  4. A good routine, we also do a shadow puppet show on the wall of his cot before bed.

  5. Sticking to a routine is what works with us and this is what everyone told me when I was expecting my daughter. Bath, Feed, Bedtime story and bedtime for 8pm

  6. I find it easier not to have a routine as when you try to do something different the kids have a meltdown.

  7. A warm bath and a bedtime story

  8. A bedtime story, my son will not go to sleep without one

    Lucy I

  9. Warm bath, lots of cuddles, darkened room and couple of stories. When that fails, get into bed with them and cuddle them till they fall asleep!

  10. We have a bedtime routine and story time x

  11. Having a good routine and sticking with it. My kids normally have their bath after dinner then chill time with a story

  12. well when lillie watch's the meercat adverts on you tube she goes right out after 10 mins.

  13. regular time to go to bed

  14. Nice warm bath, Baby massage, Story, Milk and then Night Night :) x Always works with my little boy x

  15. Bath and stories and a cuddle in bed

  16. Half a hour of calm/quiet time before bed

  17. Routine , bath, story and cuddles. Start early and it becomes second nature.

  18. I start putting my little guys' cuddly friends to bed one by one starting an hour before. By the time they're all in the land of nod he's ready to join them ;)

  19. A story with cuddles before bed works a treat

  20. Always give them a relaxing bath before and soothing stories xx

  21. We have a routine.

  22. A good routine each night has helped my daughter. She has eczema though so a good sleep only happens if it's an itch free night!

  23. A good routine is the key to childrens sleep patterns x

  24. persistence lol. Be patient but firm when he keeps getting up (for a wee, because he's hungry, because his tummy hurts, because he wants to sleep in your bed mummy, because he doesn't have *that* teddy, because there was a noise.....)

  25. a good routine is always the key xx

  26. Bath, book and bed

  27. Luckily my son loves sleep so needs no help! My daughter likes warm milk & her dummy to fall asleep.

  28. A regular routine. Bedtime story.

    Rachel Craig

  29. Chill time before bed, sticking to a routine such as reading a book or having a bath

  30. A nice warm bath before bed x

  31. Sticking to a routine is definitely important. Don't have too many toys etc in the cot - not only is it dangerous it's also a distraction to sleep! A blackout blind is a must-have too

  32. Turning the lights off and praying!

  33. The most important thing is to have a routine.

  34. a good bath and warmed pj's x

  35. Grandson loves his play in the bath with bubbles and a couple of stories

  36. Bedtime story always work in my house x

  37. Bath, story, cuddle and sleep

  38. Great giveaway for my nephew (@PeanutHog)

  39. You should have a routine and stick to it so when you say bed time children know you mean it. Usually bath followed by a bedtime story.

  40. A good routine is key, consistency and quiet time to relax and unwind before bed. Kids respond well to consistent bed times. Normally a bath, book and cuddles is all my daughter needs to help her drift off for the night.

  41. consistency. bath and then bedtime story

  42. snack before bed & then a bedtime story.

  43. A routine with a book before bed and no screen time after dinner

  44. A good routine, and not too much screen time beforehand

  45. Bath time then a story in bed

  46. a routine, bath, story, bed, sleep

  47. Cuddling them so they feel safe and secure

  48. a set bedtime

  49. I must agree with everyone else. It's defiantly a set bedtime routine and sticking with it.

  50. Stick to a routine

  51. A bath and a nice story tucked up in bed

  52. Routine!
    Carys Thorp

  53. A bed time story always helps my little girl calm down at bed time & is good for establishing a routine.

  54. Bed time stories and a good routine
