Sunday 20 March 2016

Kellogg's Ancient Legends (review)

Kellogg's have just launched a brand new range of granolas, mueslis and cereals but instead of looking for something totally innovative and groundbreaking, they've looked back into the mists of time, incorporating ancient grains and cereals such as spelt, rye, chia and flax into the mix. In the distant past, civilisations would save their finest seeds and grains for their elite warriors and Kellogg's have decided to tap into the nutritional powerhouses that these ingredients represent. Get ready to breakfast like an Egyptian !

We received three of the new products - one muesli, one cereal and one granola - but the complete range is made up of six products :

Ancient Legends Muesli (450g) :
Puffed Spelt, Pumpkin & Sunflower Seeds, Sultana & Flax Seeds
Quinoa, Apple, Cranberry & Chia Seeds

Ancient Legends Granola (400g):
Spelt, Cranberry, Sultana & Flax Seeds
Rye, Chia Seeds, Sultana & Pumpkin Seeds

Ancient Legends Cereal (320g):
Rye, Cranberry, Almond & Flax Seeds
Spelt, Apple, Sultana & Chia Seeds

I wasn't sure what we'd think of them - sometimes, giving an extra healthy boost to already existing products makes them less tasty and indulgent - but we were all very impressed. The combinations of flavours work very well together, with the dried fruit adding a lovely hit of natural sweetness, but what we really liked was the texture. They have a lovely crunchiness which works well with milk but also yogurt, or even just straight fro the pack by the handful !

If you're quick, you may manage to bag yourselves a free sample pack because ASDA have 200 to give away. Get your entries in here by 22nd March.

RRP : £2.99 per pack

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.

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