Sunday 3 April 2016

Sunday weigh-in : And breathe !

This week is a maintain - there seems to be no logic to what the scales are saying at the moment so I'll just shrug and go with that ! We're now into the holidays so I can finally chill out, take some well-earned me-time and get out and about with the kids for some long walks. Bring it on ! It looks like the weather has even perked up too, which is a bonus :)

Positives of the week

- Stress levels will radically drop now that I'm on holiday - I' looking forward to slowing things down and just generally chilling out for a while !

Current targets 

Last week's target :  Take some me-time, whether that be sitting on the settee with the kids watching a film or getting out for a run - I need to regroup ! Plan ahead with the slow cooker to avoid freezer diving when I get in late from work. (DONE)

This week's targets : Enjoy my time off. Get out for fun-exercise - long walks, geocaching, playing football with Pierre at the park ...

Short-term targets 

(1) get back into the 80's
(2) get my "lbs lost" back into double figures
(3)  get my "weight to lose" badge down into the 40's
 (4)  get back to 87kg, my pre-holiday weight   
(5) get my "kg lost" badge back into double figures 
(6) get my "weight loss" badge higher than my "still to go" badge
(7) get back into my (smallest) bright blue jeans comfortably
(8) get back to 77kg - my lowest weight since my pregnancies

Longer-term targets :  Hit my target weight of 70kg.

START WEIGHT :93.7kg (BMI 34.8)
WEIGHT LAST WEEK  :  87.9kg 
WEIGHT TODAY :  87.9kg (BMI 32.6)
STILL TO GO : 17.9kg

Feel free to add your weightloss posts to my weekly linkie - it's great to see how everyone else has been getting on and give each other support and encouragement. :)

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Hijacked By Twins


  1. Bravo ! Ne pas prendre de poids est aussi une victoire. J'espère que tu profites bien de tes vacances. Ici, après un épisode de grippe qui a frappé toute la famille, nous revoilà en forme. Nous avons entrepris T25 en famille et dans la rigolade.
    Auj, env 1 livre perdue (400 g), c'est toujours ça de pris. Mes objectifs cette semaine : continuer le sport, passer sous 150 livres (sous 68 kg) et surtout sous 24 d'IMC. J'y suis presque :-D Bonne semaine !

    1. J'adore le fait que vous faites tout en famille ... c'est beaucoup plus motivant et amusant :)

    2. Et le lendemain, on peut rire de nos courbatures tous ensemble ;-) Bonne semaine !

  2. Well done on the maintain chick! It has been slightly manic for you recently so hope you are fully enjoying your break away from school and getting out with your family! :) Glad that the cold sore wasn't too bad in the end too! ;) #WeightLossWednesday Sim xx

    1. I'm loving every minute of it ! :)

    2. You enjoy lovely! I am actually looking forward to life getting back to normal... but then I am not a teacher! ;) x
