Wednesday 18 May 2016

Qcumber - ice and a slice ... of cucumber ! (review)

Most of the people I have mentioned Qcumber to have had the same instant reaction : yuck ! I must admit, when I first discovered jugs of water in restaurants in Gdynia in Poland with slices of cucumber and sprigs of mint in them, I was dubious, but it's actually really refreshing and palate-cleansing. I was hoping that Qcumber would be similar and it is, except it has bubbles.

It's a blend of carbonated Welsh spring water, natural cucumber extract, beet sugar and citric acid. That's it - there are no artificial sweeteners, colours, preservatives or flavourings. It contains 27 calories per 100ml (which is half that of other key lines in the category) and the fact that it is free from artificial sweeteners makes it a great choice for pregnant women who want to avoid aspartame but also the calories. I decided to add mint and cucumber to mine, for visual appeal as much as anything, but I noticed that as well as the original Qcumber flavour, it is also available in Mint and Spicy Ginger varieties.

It is being marketed as an adult drink (which explains the cheeky tagline "the most fun you can have with a cucumber—with bubbles" !) and it is undoubtedly a great choice for designated drivers or non-drinkers who want something more sophisticated than the usual soft drink offerings. However, 14-year-old Sophie also loved it (until she found a greenfly on the sprig of mint !) so it appeals to a younger audience too. It can also be used as a mixer with gin, vodka or Pimms and incorporated into cocktails and mocktails, but I love the pure, fresh taste straight from the bottle.
Trust me - I turned my nose up at the idea of cucumber water when I first came across it but now I'm a total convert !
star rating : 5/5
RRP : £2.39 for 750ml
for more information :
Disclosure : I received the product in order to write an honest review.


  1. This sounds like it would be so refreshing in the summer. Yum!

  2. that looks and sounds refreshing, I must look out for it!
