Sunday 1 May 2016

Sunday weigh-in : I'm back !


You may have noticed that I skipped the weigh-in post last Sunday. My internet access has been playing up for weeks and I just couldn't be bothered to do battle with it. (The same happened this week - this post was ready to go live at the usual time first thing this morning, along with my #mySundayphoto but I haven(t managed to get online before now to publish it *sigh*.) I did jump on the scales though and had a head-shaking moment. After putting on a kilo then losing it a week later, it went back on again last week so the scales flashed up 89kg - eeek ! This cheesed me off because the day before, it had said 88.5 and all I ate was a salad for lunch and soup in the evening, so it made no sense whatsoever.

This week, I'm weighing back in at 87.9kg - I'm starting to wonder if my scales are going wrong because it's never usually this erratic but that'll do nicely for this week's weigh-in !

We have friends over for lunch - and when I say lunch, it'll be a French lunch so they'll be arriving at 1pm for an apéro (pre-dinner drinks and nibbles) then we'll be at the table, talking and stuffing our faces all afternoon until about 6pm. The sun has come back so we're having the first bbq of the season - I'll be making a potato and tuna salad, coleslaw, tomato salad, mixed salad and rice salad to go with it, which is reasonably healthy, but I'll also be making a cheesecake AND one of those ultra rich chocolate tarts for dessert. Oops !

Positives of the week

- Stepping away from the scales gives you a chance to focus on other signs - my watch and fitbug constantly slipping around on my wrists, for example.

- I managed to get through a busy week and stay on track

Current targets 

Last week's target :   Back to work, back to routine. A loss, however small, will get me back into the 87s (DONE)

This week's targets :  Stay in the 87's Get out in the sunshine and do some geocaching or go for a long walk - maybe even start the runs in the park again.

Short-term targets 

(1) get back into the 80's
(2) get my "lbs lost" back into double figures
(3)  get my "weight to lose" badge down into the 40's
 (4)  get back to 87kg, my pre-holiday weight   
(5) get my "kg lost" badge back into double figures 
(6) get my "weight loss" badge higher than my "still to go" badge
(7) get back into my (smallest) bright blue jeans comfortably
(8) get back to 77kg - my lowest weight since my pregnancies

Longer-term targets :  Hit my target weight of 70kg.

START WEIGHT :93.7kg (BMI 34.8)
WEIGHT LAST WEEK  :  88.2kg 
WEIGHT TODAY :  87.9kg 
STILL TO GO : 17.9kg

Feel free to add your weightloss posts to my weekly linkie - it's great to see how everyone else has been getting on and give each other support and encouragement. :)

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  1. Little steps are great and agree it is best to step away from the scale. It took me 3 years to lose 20 kg after my daughter birth
    Good luck on your journey. Always focus on the end game.

  2. Glad I'm not the only one yo-yoing at the moment!
    Enjoy your meal with friends, and well done on the loss

  3. Totally agree that stepping back from the scales helps! I try to no longer stand on the scales every day, it can all get a little too much! Well done on the loss though chick and it's great to have you back - damn internet! Sim #WeightLossWednesday xx

  4. Congratulations, slow and steady means it will hopefully be easier to keep off.

  5. Bravo ! Je ne me suis pas pesée dernièrement puis ce week-end à l'hôpital, j'y ai eu droit. J'ai été assez surprise (agréablement je dois dire) car tout habillée je pesais 152 livres (68,9 kg). Je vais reprendre le rythme dès la semaine prochaine. Premier objectif : 67,5 kg et à terme 65,5 kg. À suivre donc ...

  6. You are doing so well! I need to get myself into a more healthy eating frame of mind but it is so difficult when you can't be bothered :/
