Sunday 10 July 2016

Madhouse diaries : The first week of the holidays

For the first few weeks of our long summer holiday, Madhouse Daddy is still at work so we just have days out and fun activities at home. I always look back and think we didn't do a lot but when we look at the photos, there's usually loads going on, so I thought we'd keep a quick weekly diary of what we got up to so that we can remember !

We only broke up on Tuesday afternoon, so it was a short week.

On Wednesday morning, the kids brought down their quilts and made a den.

In the afternoon, we headed off to a local park that was having a kids festival supposedly - they had two tables out, one with a first aid dummy but nobody explaining it and one with a few people playing cards with a couple of kids. Totally rubbish so we just did our own thing ! The kids had fun collecting pretty blue duck feathers.

Then they sailed them across a big puddle. You can see how the ground still hasn't absorbed all the excess water from the flooding a couple of weeks ago.

There was lots of running about in a wild flower meadow (it's full of clover this year, it was daisies last year) and rolling down hills. It didn't do my hayfever any favours but the kids had fun !

We finished off in the play area. We called in at Madhouse Daddy's works on the way home for a toilet and drink stop, then went home and I jumped straight in the shower to wash off the pollen !

On Thursday, we baked lemon shortbread (amongst other things) and Pierre had fun icing the Minion shaped ones. We took the dogs out for a walk then Pierre rode his bike on the car park and ended up with a big graze on his elbow.

Friday was a chill out day with lots of crafts, hula hooping and baking again - we made a white chocolate and raspberry loaf cake and little tarts. We went to a local discount store and found four out of five life-size One Direction cardboard cutouts for 30 centimes each ! How they've come down in the world !! Pierre got Zayn (the only one that was left - Sophie got the final one for Harry, Louis and Liam as well but they didn't have Niall) and every time I walk past his bedroom door, it makes me jump ! It freaked the dogs out too and they kept barking at it ! We took the dogs out again and Didou cut his paw somehow - seems to be a theme for the week after Pierre's arm yesterday !

On Saturday, we went to McDonalds then headed to the Sailing Tour de France village where they had various things for the kids to do. We came home and had a huge baking session, making lemon cream raspberry tarts, raspberry and coconut cupcakes and cheese straws.

On Sunday, I wanted to go geocaching but the kids opted to go back to the Sailing Tour de France village - I'll do a separate blogpost tomorrow to show you everything they got up to but they ended up in the sea !

I attempted to stick black onion seeds on a bagel to make it look like a football in honour of France being in the Euro 2016 finals but we decided it looked more like a swarm of ants had crawled all over it ! It made us laugh though !

I wonder what next week will bring - in theory tomorrow will be an errands day (boo !) and Tuesday will be geocaching, if I have anything to do with it !

1 comment:

  1. That's funny with your bagels
    Would put you off them when you think of ants!
