Friday 5 August 2016

Back-to-school hero products to stock up on (review)

The kids have barely broken up but the shops are already full of back-to-school bargains, school uniforms and aisles full of stationery. Well, if you can't beat them join them ! We've been reviewing a few of the products that will be an absolute godsend when the kids go back to school in September, preventing a few parental headaches.

Vosene's Pink Pomelo & Vitamin C 2-in-1 Shampoo (RRP £2.49 for 250ml), which is bursting with citrus zest and a spritz of vitamin C, is going to be stocked in ASDA stores nationwide from August onwards. You may remember that we had a sneak peek of this gorgeously zingy product earlier in the year before it hit the shops and we all loved the feel-good fragrance. If you like your toiletries to have the same fragrance, there is also a matching Hair & Body Wash.

Vosene also have another product that is perfect for kids, both on holiday and back at school : Vosene Kids’ Afterswim Hair & Body Wash (RRP £2.49 per 200ml, available in selected Sainsbury’s and Asda stores). It has been designed to not only keep hair and skin healthier-looking and conditioned but also help gently clean away impurities after visits to the pool. We love the fact that it manages to eradicate the overpowering smell of chlorine that lingers on hair and skin after a trip to the pool. It also removes salt and moisturises skin so it's perfect after a trip to the beach too. It is tear-free, dermatologically tested & paediatrician approved, suitable from 3 months onward, free from soap, SLS, SLES, MIT-free and paraben-free.

Another bathroom cupboard essential for any parents of school-age kids is headlice treatment - I always make sure I have a bottle in stock just in case, as it's always on a Sunday night when all the shops are closed that you find out that you have unwelcome visitors ! Hedrin Treat & Go Spray is an innovative leave-in solution. When dry, it remains on the child’s hair for eight hours while they play, go to school or sleep. It is a water-based treatment which then rinses out of hair easily, without any greasy residue. It requires two applications, seven days apart. It's available in lotion (50ml £5.49), spray (60ml £7.99) and mousse (100ml £12.99.

Prevention is better than cure though, and Hedrin Protect & Go is a clinically proven head lice protection spray, which offers parents the opportunity to deal proactively with the threat of infestation by helping stop head lice taking hold. Simply spray on after every hair wash, or at least twice a week. Available in spray (120ml £4.29, 200ml £6.29 and 250ml £7.29)

Disclosure : We received the products in order to write an honest review.

1 comment:

  1. So true
    I always put the hair up and try to be proactive in the head lice department -great review
