Monday 31 October 2016

This month's culinary journey is now boarding - destination The Philippines !

This month's Kitchen Trotter box is taking us to the Philippines. I only have one recipe on my blog so far from the Philippines - turon, or caramelised banana egg rolls - and they were delicious so I have high hopes for this destination.

The first thing out of the box was a bag of dried green mangoes, followed by garlic flavour corn snacks.

Next was a jar of coconut sport in heavy syrup, then a sachet of sinigang seasoning mix for tamarind soup.

There was also a tub of shrimp paste (I still have one from the Indonesian box) and some rocou seeds, mainly used for colouring in rice dishes and sauces. There was a sheet of stickers which appealed to my globecooking mentality.

 There should also have been a bottle of banana ketchup but there was a problem with deliveries due to a tropical storm, so they will be sending this on later and have provided a recipe to make your own for the time being.

On to the recipes - first is sinigang soup, a mild fish soup.

The main meal is binagoongan talong, which is hopefully easier to make than it is to pronounce ! A pork dish with flavours of the sea apparently - sounds intriguing !

Next is Java rice, which can be served with the aforementioned binagoongan talong.

And for dessert, a bukayo-style coconut creme.

The bonus gift in this month's kit is a bag of incense cones - they might come in handy after cooking with the shrimp paste ! I'll be back soon to tell you how I got on and share the recipes.


  1. Phillipine food is new to me but then so was curry until I reached the ripe old age of 21. Bring it on !

    1. I should be trying some of the recipes next week so watch this space ! :)

  2. How exciting! I'm slightly intimidated by a totally new cuisine, but sometimes there's nothing for it but to dive in! Hope you've been enjoying it all.

    1. It's been a busy week at work so I haven't had a chance to make any of the recipes yet - tomorrow it will be the fish soup, in theory, so I'll let you know !
