Sunday 20 November 2016

#MySundayphoto #SundaySnap 20/11/16

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth !

Sunday SnapOneDad3Girls


  1. oh bless, does he whistle when he speaks too :) #sundaysnap

    1. No, but he sucks up his spaghetti without opening his mouth ! lol

  2. Teeth are an ongoing pain, sometimes I wish we didn't need them. My baby is teething and my eldest came home a few weeks ago wit a wobbly tooth, it since seemed to stop wobbling.
    I hope he doesn't mind too much

    1. There's actually a funny story about these teeth - the first front tooth wobbled for about a month but wouldn't come out. It was barely hanging on and the tooth underneath was there, ready to come through, but try as we might, we just couldn't get it to come out. One Sunday dinner, we're all at the table and Pierre goes "ohhhhh Mum, my tooth" ! No only had it come out, he'd swallowed it along with his dinner !!! Luckily the tooth fairy still came though ! lol

  3. Heheh love it, my eldest was like this one Christmas

    Thank you for linking up

  4. hehehe! Aww! I hope the tooth fairy paid a visit x

  5. Aw such a tricky stage and so hard to eat an apple!

  6. Ah, that age! He's such a cutie.

  7. I'm dreading this my son! He's lost a couple of teeth now but the front ones are stilling firmly in place. I quite hate the whole tooth lost process and was traumatized by it as a child!
