Saturday 31 December 2016

New Year's Eve Mocktails with Princes Fruit Refreshers

What will you be drinking as Big Ben chimes in the New Year later on? Princes sent us through a fruity parcel of goodies this week to help us come up with some delicious mocktails for the kids to enjoy, along with anyone else who wants a non alcoholic option to see in 2017.

As well as some other ingredients (mint leaves, coconut, citrus fruit, fizzy soda water ...), we received two cartons of Fruit Refreshers, the new line of drinks from Princes made with no added sugar.

The range incorporates tasty and exotic fruits from around the world, featuring the finest ingredients such as North American cranberries, coconut water, Peruvian limes, Floridian oranges, Spanish peaches and Alfonso mangoes. Each flavour contains just 25 calories or less per 150ml serving, as well as no preservatives, making them ideal for adults and kids alike.

We received two varieties to try - Peach & Raspberry and Pineapple, Peach & Passion Fruit. We tried them on their own to start with and both were a huge hit with the whole family, kids and grown-ups alike. They have no added sugar but are beautifully sweet, without being too syrupy like some fruit juices and juice drinks.

Here are our New Year Fruity Fizz Mocktails, made by blending half a glass of Fruit Refreshers with 4tbsp fresh coconut water, a squeeze of lime juice and then topping up the glasses with fizzy soda water. To make them extra special, I added slices of lemon, orange and banana on the side of the glass and added a brightly coloured straw.

The kids loved them ... but they also said that the drinks were just as tasty straight from the cartons without all the faffing about ! They had lots of fun behind the scenes though, with Pierre making me shudder by gaily sucking on half a lemon without even wincing and Madhouse Grandad getting the toughest job - cracking open the coconut !

Princes Fruit Refreshers are available in six delicious flavours, including Cranberry, Pineapple Coconut & Lime and Mango, as well as unique flavours, Pineapple, Peach & Passion Fruit and Orange, Lemon & Lime, so there’s a fruit juice for every taste, whether enjoyed with breakfast, lunch or as a non-alcoholic alternative with an evening meal. The cartons can be stored in the cupboard before being chilled as required, thus saving valuable space in the fridge. On shelves in Asda with an RRP of £1.04, Princes Fruit Refreshers will replace the current range of added sugar juice drinks.

Disclosure : We received a mocktail kit, including some cartons of Fruit Refreshers and some fresh ingredients.

1 comment:

  1. They sound very tasty, and I love the pictures of Madhouse Grandad and Pierre having fun! I think I'd have these straight from the carton too, but mocktails are a lot of fun!
