Friday 17 February 2017

Our We're Going On A #BearHunt Twitter Party Fun

Did you catch the We're Going On A #BearHunt twitter party yesterday? Maybe you were even lucky enough to win a prize? If you didn't and you're wondering what you missed out on, it was all in honour of the release of the We're Going On A Bear Hunt animation, which is based on the well-loved picture book by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury. Click through to read our review of the DVD.

You can't have a party without party food so our first job was finding some suitably bear-themed snacks. You can't get better than a teddy bear-shaped cake !

One of the activities in the party box was a biscuit-decorating kit. This is a great way of keeping the kids entertained during half term if you can't be bothered to bake your own biscuits !

 We only had two guests coming, girl and boy twins from Pierre's class, so we decided this would be plenty (and I always had the rest of the kit for reinforcements if necessary !). (Unfortunately the twins' mum didn't want pictures of them online so I've had to select the photos where they're out of shot.) I think the kids did a great job !

 Pierre even made a "we're going on a poo hunt" biscuit (it's in the DVD and it made him giggle !).

After the party food, the next most important thing was party games and, after a crazily excited treasure hunt, it was time to play Pin The Tail On The Bear !

Ummm not quite !

Oops !! This was such a popular game that we played and played until our glue dots wouldn't stick any more !

Time for a nice cutting and colouring activity to calm everyone down before watching the DVD - making bear ears !

Everyone had to try them on, including the dogs !

And even me !

 Time for the main event : watching the DVD. We had question sheets and popcorn to enhance the viewing experience !

 And bear accessories were more than welcome ! (I'd planned on using face paints to give them bear make up but they didn't want to, spoilsports !)

Everyone enjoyed the film and we read the story book too, to compare. By now, it was almost time for the party to come to an end, but we had a few minutes left for some colouring sheets.

Bear got very involved, both with the colouring and also munching the Bear snacks !

 We even had bear shaped sweeties ! Top marks to whoever put the party packs together, for finding all the bear-themed goodies.

And the bear-illiant party bags !

We had great fun at our party and it was lovely to hear so much squealing and giggling ! If you were also a party host, I'd love to see your post party blogposts so feel free to add a link in the comments box below :)


  1. We had great fun, even if I was exhausted by the end of it. Loved seeing all your photos during the party. Pierre's Poo hunt biscuit is the winner. And your bear ears look very fetching. :)

    1. I realised, when we saw everyone else's photos, that we should have cut the ears in half and hung them on our ears - makes sense really !
