Saturday 13 May 2017

Madhouse recipe : Peanut & raisin cookies

These were supposed to be choc chip cookies but when I went rummaging in my baking cupboard, I failed to find any choc chips. I did uncover a bag of fruit and nuts though, so I used half of the bag instead. They came out really nice and I love the contrast between the chewy sweet raisins and the crunchy nuts. They were moist and soft but you could adjust the cooking times if you prefer a crunchy cookie. I used my cups for measurements but weighed the ingredients at the same time, so you can use whichever version suits you best.

 Peanut & raisin cookies

3/4 cup / 90g dark brown sugar
3/4 cup / 170g caster sugar
3/4 cup / 190g margarine (you could use butter but I was using up a tub of marg !)
2 eggs
2&1/4 cups / 320g flour
1tsp baking powder
1tbsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt
1 cup / 1/2 a bag of peanuts and raisins (or similar)

Preheat oven to 180°. Beat the butter/margarine and sugars together until creamy and smooth. 

Add the eggs and vanilla extract.

Mix in the dry ingredients - flour, baking powder and salt - and beat until just combined.

Add the fruit and nuts and gently stir to combine. Don't overbeat the mixture.

Dollop spaced-out spoonfuls onto a baking tray covered in baking parchment.

Bake in batches at 180° for 10-12 minutes until they are spongy and still soft. You could leave them for a couple more minutes if you want them crunchy. Leave to cool in the tray then remove to wire racks to cool completely. They can be stored for at least a week in an airtight tin. (They probably could have been kept longer but there were none left to test this theory !)

Adding to this month's #KitchenClearout linky as it used up a tub of margarine and a bag of peanuts and raisins that were taking up space.


  1. I love the fruit and nut version even more than choc chip. Delicious!
