Sunday 11 June 2017

New Year Resolutions Review week #22/23: Running round like a headless chicken again !

It's all go at the moment - with end-of-school-year reports and marking (finished - wahoo !) and after school class meetings several times a week (more next week - boo !), plus day trips to London, Dover Castle and Canterbury on three consecutive Fridays, and a welcome committee for the Norwegian teachers to sort out, my brain is fizzing. In fact, while I was lying in bed last night, I worked out my whole lesson plan for when the Norwegians are over (the week after next), so I jumped out of bed at 1.30am to write it all down before I forgot ! I know the summer holidays are only a few weeks away but it seems far in the future at the moment.

1. Get Fit(bitting) !
I've been looking at my FitBit on my wrist but haven't logged into the app for the last couple of weeks so I don't know really. It's all or nothing at the moment - 20-25k steps on the day trips followed by 1-2k the next day when I recover and sleep for a couple of hours in the afternoon !

2. Get cooking bookmarked recipes ! 
I feel like I haven't been doing much real cooking lately but let's go and look through my latest posts. I made some little Serbian tarts with red pepper paste from a Kitchen Trotter box, I finally made some cakes with my pandan paste, a Sudanese beef, sweet potato and peanut stew and some cheat's Jamaican patties. More than I thought actually !
3. Get geocaching !
I looked online to see if there were any caches around Covent Garden that I could have quickly hunted out during the free time on our school trip, but there weren't any close enough. That was as close as I got !

4. Get comping !
I haven't even entered a single competition for the last couple of weeks, so obviously, I haven't won anything ! I'll try to find half an hour later to enter some (which will only be do-able if I stop researching my family tree - it's addictive !)

2017 wins :
January : 4 wins - £20 shopping voucher, Mr Lee's noodles, Ambrosia trifle glasses, set of 5 books
 February : 1 win - tea & personalised mug (prize for Galina)
March - 1 win - a Bear Grylls adventure book
 April - 4 wins - a colouring bundle, And Then We Ran book, Aram book, 6 months supply of Hairburst vitamins
May - £100 shopping voucher

5. Get reading !
I finished Under A Sardinian Sky by Sara Alexander and posted my review. I also read The Original Ginny Moon which I loved (Click through for the reviews.) I'm now reading Being Simon Haines.

6. Get FLYing !
Uhh no! It's nothing to do with Flylady but I'm loving dejunking my desk at work, getting rid of the piles of paperwork for school trips, marking and meetings that have been taking up space for weeks and can now be thrown away. I need to do the same thing at home - good job for the start of the holidays.

8. Get bloggy housekeeping !
I mentioned on my last roundup that my stats had dropped. They're going mental at the moment, going back up to 1000 unique visits (that I aim for) on one day then dropping to 350 the next - where's the logic ?! I'm wondering if it's a problem with my stat counter actually, but no time to look into it at the moment. I put all my photos into draft posts ready to type up when I get a chance over the next couple of weeks so that's increased my number of draft posts, but they won't be there for long. Same for emails - I need to find a minute to sit down and reply to all the offers coming in. Tomorrow I have a few hours to kill before my after school meeting so I should be able to do it then.

9. Get French !
Still no news - hopefully they'll contact us for our appointment before they break up for the summer !

What about you? Did you set yourself any targets, challenges or new year's resolutions this year? How are they going? I actually surprised myself because I feel like I've done nothing this past couple of weeks except work stuff, but looking back through my photos, we've still done a few activities and cooking projects so it's not as bad as I thought !


  1. Good ideas often come in the night, when you are in bed. I haven't done much comping either, though after several years of entering giveaways on Good Reads and winning zilch, I managed to win two books in one week recently.

    1. It's funny the way the brain works ! I won two books in a week on goodreads last month - I wonder if they were the same ones!!
