Friday 2 June 2017

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 2/6

This week will be a weird one. On Saturday, I'll be tired out after a day trip to London with the pupils, leaving at 5.45am and getting home at 10.30pm. Monday is a bank holiday, which will give me time to recover, but Tuesday and Thursday I have after school meetings until quite late. Time for some easy options this week, I think. The good news is, I've finished all my marking for this school year and I only have three more classes to go for the end-of-year reports. I can also smell the sun cream !


lunch - it's that time of week again ... McDonald's ! Actually we've defected to Burger King lately but it's the same idea.

dinner - soup - maybe French onion, or tomato, or leek, potato and bacon (I can choose at the last minute because I have everything I need for all of them)


lunch - probably BBQ, if not, it'll be roast dinner.

dinner - fridge grazing or leftover soup


lunch - leftover cooked meat from yesterday with noodles, veg & sweet soy sauce

dinner - quiche with salad & baby potatoes


dinner - chicken adobo with rice


lunch - homemade fish cakes with mash & mushy peas

dinner - spicy duck with salad & noodles


dinner - Tlayudas which are like Mexican pizzas, made on tortillas (or I'll be using flatbread)


dinner - spaghetti bolognese

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Join in with the weekly meal plan bloghop !


  1. Oh yum! The Mexican pizzas sound so good. I hope you managed to have a BBQ we did, just managed to get it cooked before the rain came! Hope you have a good week x

    1. We did ! It came over a bit cloudy but no rain at all :)

  2. Oh I do love a good BBQ. I think we have had a couple over the past month and there is always so many leftovers to use for other meals. :-) x

    1. We tend to do one every week in the summer months - no complaints here !
