Friday 21 July 2017

I'm spinning around ... Spinzipz and Spinbladez review

As Kylie Minogue once sang, "I'm spinning around, Move outta my way, I know you're feeling me 'Cause you like it like this" ! As a teacher and a parent, I have seen more than my fair share of playground fads, but fidget toys, hand spinners, finger spinners, call them what you will, they seem to be here to stay ! Despite already owning several, the Madhouse kids were over the moon to receive some brand new fidget spinners to play with from Zing Toy’s souped-up spinner range, especially as these ones light up. Cue squeals of delight !

These spinners are part of Zing Toys new Every Day Play Range, which introduces unique new skill toys that are incredibly cool to play with. You can choose between two blade Spin Zipz (RRP £7.99) and three blade Spinbladez (RRP £9.99), both of which feature coloured LED lights that come on when you tap or spin them.

If you go really slowly, you can see the individual lights and if you spin quickly, they blend into each other. Another great feature is that they come with a little plastic pin which holds them together when you stack them, giving you the chance to create even more impressive light displays.

Even Madhouse Daddy is a little bit obsessed with fidget spinners, so I had to giggle when I watched Jason Bradbury on youtube showing a cool hack to customise a special triple-stack light up spinner using Spinbladez. It involves heating a needle on the hob until it's glowing red hot and melting a hole in the plastic so let's face it, it's going to appeal to dads everywhere !

Last year, we put some glowsticks in the suitcase and the Madhouse kids had great fun wearing them at the mini disco on holiday when it got dark. This year, they will be able to play with their Spinzipz instead. They're ideal for festivals, late evening summer barbecues or even giggling under the bedclothes when you're supposed to be going to sleep !

Disclosure : We received the products in order to write an honest review.


  1. These are cool, my children have the fidget spinners but my sons he broken as the bearings have come out so these ones may be better for him xxx

  2. These are very addictive. My niece is obsessed with them, she spends hours playing with hers.

  3. Little one is obsessed with these :) I didn't know they did light up ones, will have to look out for them.
