Tuesday 25 July 2017

Trailclues - a new Urban Treasure Hunt platform

As you'll know if you're a regular reader of my blog, we love geocaching here at The Madhouse. (Click through to my geocaching posts to see our latest adventures.) It's a fabulous way of finding new places, it gets us out in the fresh air and it's always exciting finding a well hidden cache, swapping over treasures and helping travel bugs on their long-distance journeys around the world. It's also great as a totally free activity - I've seen numerous parents on my social media timelines wondering how to keep the kids entertained during the holidays with little or no budget, so geocaching is ideal. You just need to go to geocaching.com, create an account, download the app to your phone or upload caches to a handheld gps and then get out exploring.

When a press release landed in my inbox recently about a new Urban Treasure Hunt platform called Trailclues, it sounded right up our street too. I haven't had a chance to try it yet as it's only available in London and Portsmouth so far, but more will be added across the UK over the coming months. Here's what the release has to say - let me know if you get a chance to try it out. I'd love to hear how it works.


Whether looking for a fun summer holiday activity in their local area or wanting to really explore a new destination, eager explorers have a new tool at their disposal. Taking players on an urban treasure hunt, Trailclues combines uncovering hidden gems, picking up fun, local trivia, and problem solving through a unique platform that’ll take them on an adventure through city landscapes.

Players race against the clock to solve clues along a trail, taking them to the next spot and another cryptic message to crack. Along the way, they’ll discover little known locations, learn fun facts about places that are often overlooked, and much more. Launching just in time for the summer months, Trailclues is the fun, unique way to go out and enjoy the sun. Tourists can get off the beaten track to discover locations that aren’t listed on the usual maps, while locals can expect to unearth charming features and destinations they never knew existed, simply by heading to the Trailclues website. Once signed up, all players need to do is respond to a received text with ‘GO’ to begin receiving clues directly to their phone.

Edward Mula, Founder of Trailclues, said, “Every city is filled with overlooked gems by tourists and locals alike. You might get a chance to glimpse these on a guided tour but Trailclues does away with that, giving people a chance to get involved in urban exploring at their own pace and without a huge cost. From first dates to corporate team building exercises, Trailclues is suitable for a huge range of groups and individuals that want to try something new and exciting in the city.”

For users with a competitive streak, they can even go up against each other. Leaderboards for all the trails give players a chance to race through the clues as fast as possible in an attempt to register an impressive time. Teaming up and competing is also an option through Trailclues. Up to three teams can sign up to simultaneously tackle the tricky clues as they race against each other to get to the finish point first.

Trailclues currently has trails available in London and Portsmouth, with more to be added across the UK over the coming months. Every trail is designed to be completed in an average of two hours and clues are always within walking distance of each other. Eliminating the need for a guide or
expensive hire equipment, Trailclues is set to become the new way to explore the urban environment in the UK.

To find out more visit trailclues.com.


  1. This sounds like lots of fun, my children would love to go geocaching, I don't have a GPS though I'll have to look into getting one, it would definitely be worth investing in one xxx

    1. You can use a smartphone if you haven't got a gps - I haven't got a smartphone which is why I use my gps ! :)

  2. Looks interesting! We love geocaching here, it's great fun!

  3. This sounds like something my family would enjoy.

  4. Would love to give this a try
