Saturday 5 August 2017

Top Tips For Getting The Kids Out In The Fresh Air

According to research from the National Trust, children are spending half the time their parents did playing outside with a huge 9 in 10 parents wishing their kids would spend less time inside.

To entice children outside, The Entertainer’s Play Expert, Katie Gritt has put together her top tips to make the summer holidays a breeze for parents and super fun for kids.

Make Outdoor Games a Hit

Make it ‘sound’ fun!
‘Going for a walk’ can feel like more of a chore to kids but telling them it’s an ‘adventure walk’ can be more enticing. Take a ball or Frisbee with you so you can stop along the way for a game or make a nature treasure hunt map before heading out. (As a personal note, nature treasure hunts and geocaching adventures always go down well too.)

On your bike!
Give your bike or scooter ride a purpose and make the destination more fun – heading to the park for a session on the swings or stopping for an ice cream makes the cycle more rewarding!

Set them a challenge.
Help give them something to work towards and test themselves. See how many laps they can do on their bike or scooter, how many times can they catch the ball in one minute or set up a target for water blasters.

Let them play on their own.
While it’s good to play with your children, it’s also beneficial for them to learn how to have fun independently. Give them an idea to get them started if they need it, such as ‘what can you build in the sand’ or asking them to make up a story about the toy they are playing with and you’ll be amazed at what they manage to come up with.

Invite their friends.
Older children in particular will be much more excited about playing outside if their friends are there. Set up games such as Frisbee or Snap It or for those really hot days – have a water fight! (This has just reminded me to get the Swingball out too !)

Whether you’re out in the garden, heading off to the park or camping for the weekend, The Entertainer has a huge range of toys for all ages that will have them riding and splashing around and are guaranteed to keep the kids happy and entertained this summer. We'll be trying out the Phlat ball, which transforms from a disc to a ball when you throw it, and the Wubble Bubble Ball, which looks like a bubble but plays like a ball. They both look great fun - even for me !

Disclosure : The Entertainer are sending us some toys to encourage outdoor fun.


  1. Great post and good point about inviting friends. I find that makes a difference

  2. My daughter loves going out to play in the garden with her friends, she loves taking her bubbles, ball or dolls prams out with her xxx
