Thursday 16 November 2017

A Despicably Good Breakfast (and Competition) with Ready Brek !

I don't know if it's purely psychological or if it's because it really does herald the end of British Summer Time but putting the clocks back at the end of October always seems to make a huge difference to my early morning wait at the bus stop. Suddenly it's dark, it's miserable and it's bitterly cold ... Many of you are probably not old enough to remember the original Ready Brek adverts from way back in the seventies when kids on-screen would eat a bowl of Ready Brek, dubbed "Central Heating for Kids", and then go outside with a warm glow radiating from them, but let me tell you, it works for grown-ups too !

The Madhouse kids weren't interested in central heating for kids OR grown-ups though when the postie dropped off this despicably good package - they were instantly drawn to the DM3 goodies accompanying the boxes of Ready Brek and the on-pack promotion that gives you the chance to win a Minions-themed prize every hour.

Weetabix and Despicable Me 3 have joined forces to bring you a fabulous competition, with prizes including Night Mission Goggles, Remote-controlled Drones, Virtual Reality Viewers and ... wait for it ... Flying Unicorns ! With a bit of luck and your on-pack unique code, you may well win everything you need to have your very own Despicable Me 3 adventure. If the worst comes to the worst and you don't win, you'll have a rather lovely breakfast/after school snack as a consolation prize!

If you're unfamiliar with Ready Brek, it's a totally lump-free, smooth porridge that comes in several flavours, including chocolate, honey, seriously oaty and original, which can be customised to suit your own personal tastes - here at the Madhouse, I love a spoonful of strawberry jam swirled through while the kids swear by a big dollop of Nutella. Each to their own ! It's a great way to start the day, offering long lasting energy as well as a quick and simple meal option that takes just seconds to prepare. It's suitable for children aged 6 months upwards, so it's perfect as a weaning food too.

It's also a brilliant ingredient for baking - I frequently use it in place of ground almonds if a recipe calls for them and if you replace some of the flour with Ready Brek in cookies, it really helps them to hold their shape when you put them in the oven. You may remember the horrifically realistic witch's finger biscuits that we made for Halloween (with almond fingernails and strawberry jam blood !) - they were made with chocolate Ready Brek. If you want something less ghoulish, I highly recommend Ready Brek, Banana & Apple Muffins and Cinnamon Raisin Ready Brek Muffins which are school-approved lunchbox treats and also great for breakfast on the go.

They're also great for munching in front of movies too, as we discovered when we settled down to watch the Despicable Me 3 DVD. We went and saw this at the cinema as soon as it came out, but we giggled just as much watching it the second (and, indeed, the third !) time. In fact, we picked up on a lot more jokes and silly comments (that Pierre now won't stop repeating !) watching it again. It's lovely to find a film that appeals to all members of the family, not always an easy task with an 8, 12 and 16-year-old to cater for.

The kids have also been having great fun recreating scenes from the movie and making up their own Minions adventures with the fab Mineez Dru's Super Lair playset. Where better to make a plan for world domination ?!

It has oodles of despicably fun features including a radar launcher, hidden trap door, ejector seat for any misbehaving Minions and ... a fart platform - cue endless giggles ! The silly sounds haven't lost their novelty value yet and Pierre still thinks it's the most hilarious thing ever ! It also comes with 3 exclusive Mineez characters that can be added to your collection.

If you're a fan of Minions and Ready Brek, make sure you stock up now to maximise your chances of winning a despicably great prize - enter your codes at

Disclosure : This is a collaborative post.

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