Sunday 10 December 2017

Madhouse recipe : Rich Chocolate & Love Brownies

You may remember that back in October, I made some delicious Chocolate and Love Salty Cookies for Chocolate Week, using a recipe by CPH Good Food. Well, they were so delicious that I had to roadtest the other recipe that they had sent me for rich brownies, along with some of their Rich Dark 71% chocolate. In my opinion, there is nothing more disappointing than a dry brownie so I always slightly undercook mine, to make sure they are gooey and chewy. Well, I might have gone a little bit too far this time - when we ate them an hour after cooking them, they were delicious but so gooey we ended up using spoons ! The next day, they had firmed up nicely, while still remaining soft and chewy, but it's very hard not to scoff them all straight away !

 Rich Chocolate & Love Brownies

Makes 10 – 15 pieces

250g dark cane sugar
160g unsalted butter
5 tbsp high quality cacao powder
Seeds of 1/2 bourbon vanilla pod
2 tbsp whisky
150g wheat flour, preferably cake flour
100g Rich Dark 71% from Chocolate and Love, roughly chopped
60 g (1 dl) pecan nuts, chopped
1/2 tsp salt
2 organic eggs

Serve with
250 g mascarpone cheese
1/2 dl single cream or coffee cream
3 tbsp whisky
Fresh blueberries


Heat the oven to 175º C / fan 155º C.

Mix the sugar, butter, cacao powder, vanilla seeds and whisky in a pan. I used up the end of a bag of coconut sugar.

I also used 70% cocoa solids dark chocolate powder and left out the whisky.

Put the pan over medium heat, until melted. (I used the microwave instead.) Let the mixture cool to room temperature.

Mix flour, chopped chocolate, chopped nuts and salt in a bowl. (Due to popular demand, I left out the nuts.)

Stir the flour mix into the cooled sugar, butter and add the eggs. Stir it with a whisker until it’s just combined. Avoid further mixing!

Pour the cake batter into a squared 20 cm baking tin lined with baking parchment. Bake the cake for 20-25 minutes, until the edges are firm, but the middle still soft. Let it cool completely before cutting.

When serving: Whip the mascarpone together with the cream and whisky, until fluffy and spoonable. Serve the brownies at room temperature with whisky foam and blueberries. (We didn't bother with the final step - they were deliciously and utterly indulgent as they were.)

Recipe by CPH good Food

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