Thursday 7 December 2017

#NAPPYHACKS - A frank and honest guide to changing nappies from ALDI Mamia & DadBlogUK

First-time parenting is a total minefield for new mums and dads and one of the daily tasks that can go most spectacularly wrong, especially in the early days, is nappy changing. All parents have horror stories to tell (with unconcealed glee !) of explosive nappies that burst through three layers of clothing, rogue wees all over your clothes just as you're about to head out of the door to work and poo leakages that smeared all over baby's back and head after removing a particularly soiled baby-gro ! But never fear - help is at hand. Aldi Mamia has partnered with Dad Blog UK to create the ultimate  guide to #NAPPYHACKS.



Congratulations, you’re a new Dad! Welcome to the world of varying sleep patterns, the intricacies of car seats and cot building, and the one task that can truly be described as Herculean… nappy changing. With 25% of a family’s weekly child care now carried out by Dad, gone are the days when the nappy change fell solely to mum.

To get you through the twelve (yes, twelve) changes you’ll be making per day, Aldi Mamia has partnered with Dad Blog UK to provide the essential #NappyHacks:

Deely Boppers

“First and foremost, distraction is key when it comes to making nappy-changes as quick and pain-free as possible. Get your baby’s attention away from...down there, by donning some snazzy, dangly headgear to act as a visual aid. No, you may not look your best, but it will make baby happy and might buy you 30 seconds less wriggle time, even if you do look like a muppet.

Here’s something that unwittingly catches out many first-time parents and makes baby scream… COLD HANDS! Whilst it might be tempting to wear your thermal gloves, it’s probably more sensible to run your hands under hot water before you start. Remember – warm hands = happy baby.

Baby Changing Table for Boys

Do you have a son? Be warned that as soon as a nappy is removed, the rush of cold air is often enough to encourage them to pee themselves. Brace yourself and have a spare paper cup handy to shield the area AND deflect-and-collect said liquid! That or consider wearing goggles.

Can’t believe how much your tiny tot has grown? Believe me, you soon will if your baby isn’t wearing the right size nappy. Too tight and baby will be uncomfortable and potentially popping out the flaps. Too loose and you’re going to have one hell of a clean-up job (quite literally) on your hands. Fret not though and put away the measuring tape…to make sure you’re using the correct nappy for your baby’s age and weight, consult Aldi Mamia’s helpful guide which outlines the different sizes available.

You’ll soon come to realise that nappy rash cream is an essential friend to your baby’s bottom – but a total foe to yourself and your clothes (which it will probably end up smeared all over). Consider donning a pair of Marigolds to avoid it becoming a fashion accessory or worse still, an unwanted condiment in your lunch...or alternatively have a pack of Mamia Sensitive Baby Wipes to hand.

#worldnowashday "wrinkle up your nose, pop a peg on it and take a #smelfie!" Feel free to go cross eyed! Nice one @hiutdenim!😊👍 hey you're it... @hellokateberry @wholelarderlove @rwhwr @uwenna @swissmiss @rossandalice @gossifer @christybish

Baby done an absolute honker? Try applying a peg to your nose to keep out the fumes. Your partner will love your dedication to the cause, or you could just bag the problem with Aldi’s Nappy Sacks and dispose of it as far away as physically possible.

At some point, your baby WILL do a ‘poonami’ of epic proportions. Few new parents realise it, but baby grows are designed to be rolled down over the shoulders (as well as pulled up over the head) to help prevent muck spreading all over your child’s back, head and hair. #yourewelcome”

Mind. Blown? If you’re a total nappy novice, you’ll be glad to know that Aldi Mamia nappies contain super stretchy sides and flexible leg cuffs to help prevent leaks. They also have overlapping resealable fasteners to fit small and big babies snug and securely. Aldi’s Award winning Mamia nappy range is suitable for newborns and babies of all ages and sizes but if you’re not sure which size you should be using, see the appendix for a handy guide.

Aldi Mamia nappies cost as little as 5p per nappy, and they don’t just come with a great price tag, they’ve also secured Gold for four consecutive years at the Mother & Baby Awards in the Best Disposable Nappy category and were awarded 10 accolades at the Prima Baby Awards 2016, with the Newborn and Ultra Dry Nappies taking Gold in the nappy categories. And if that wasn’t enough the entire range of nappies has been endorsed by the Good Housekeeping Institute

Goggles at the go, pegs on nose and hat on head? Good luck you’re ready to go!

For more information, head over to

Disclosure : Post in collaboration with Aldi.

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