Friday 9 February 2018

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 2018 week #7

The weeks seem to be zipping by - mid-February already (well, it will be by the end of the menu plan !) but as temperatures are sub-zero and there's a mention of snow on the way, I'll be sticking with winter warmers for a while longer ! This week is Valentine's Day, but here at The Madhouse, there's no romance - there's a birthday cake for Juliette instead !


lunch - The traditional Burger King visit

dinner - homemade soup of some shape or description - maybe split pea/lentil and bacon as it seems to be a family fave


lunch - roast dinner with the Madhouse grandparents over for Juliette's birthday

dinner - leftover soup from yesterday or fridge grazing


lunch - leftovers from yesterday's roast made into a pie (if there are any) or beefburgers, rice & ratatouille

dinner - New Zealand bacon & egg pie with mash & salad


dinner - Pan-fried chicken with green beans & tomatoes


lunch - funeral potatoes (looks tastier than it sounds ! - recipe to follow) with sausages and beans

dinner - Lebanese kibbeh with fattoush salad (for a #readcookeat recipe for Fire On The Mountain - I'll be taking part in a blogtour in a couple of weeks)


dinner - spaghetti bolognese for the kids, pasta with smoked salmon & cream for the grown-ups (I'm sure I used to add lemon juice but it might work well with a dash of pesto too)


 dinner - spicy prawns with rice and tomato salad

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Join in with the weekly meal plan bloghop !


  1. Oh no, not more snow....Ugh! I want some sunshine!
    Happy birthday to Juliette.
    I had to Google Funeral potatoes. I love the look of them! x

  2. funeral potatoes sounds interesting

  3. I had to google them as well. Dont appeal to me, I will just stick with the hash browns on their own thank you. Wonder where they got their name from.
    My daughter meal plans as well, in this house we have what ever when ever with me decided at breakfast time what is for tea that night

    1. Because Mormons traditionally serve them at funerals and other big family potlucks. I used to wing it foodwise but I don't want the hassle of freezer-diving without a plan when I get in from work. Plus if I'm making new recipes, I do my shopping list at the same time as I menu plan so it's easier all round.

  4. Funeral potato sound really interesting. I'm tempted to give them a go (although the idea of cornflakes on top weirds me out a bit). Hooray for soup for dinner! It's needed in this weather, isn't it?

  5. I don't think I've tried New Zealand bacon.

  6. Had to Google Funeral Potatoes and they sound lovely, love the crispy topping. I must try them. Thank you for sharing with #MealPlanningMonday x
