Wednesday 11 April 2018

Moj Moj review - So soft, so cute ... so moj ! #MojMoj

An intriguing parcel arrived at The Madhouse this week, screaming "Pick me !" and hinting at the new collectibles inside : So soft, so cute ... so moj ! 

Inside we found four Moj Moj Mystery Packs and a bag of sweeties (in a matching stripey bag) nestling in some pretty rainbow-hued crinkly shredded plastic.

The packaging is really pretty, with its pastel palette of pinks, blues and yellows and stripey or polka dot designs. This also gave us our first sneak peek at what would be hiding inside - the Moj Mojs are apparently a collection of ultra cute, mainly animal, characters. Time to go and meet them !

Inside each mystery pack, we found two Moj Moj characters in plastic bags, as well as a collector's guide, which was what we looked at first. The first Moj Moj series, named "😀" moves away from the typical numbered series and introduces family groups to collect, which include Adventure Seekers, Party Animals, Couch Potatoes, Happy Campers, Sun Bathers and Day Dreamers. It features an assortment of limited-edition, rare and ultra-rare must-have Moj Moj characters from puppies to pandas and seals to starfish, which are apparently designed to bring emoji’s to life.

Here are the ones that we discovered - they are all very cute (Juliette's favourite is the panda) and they reminded her a bit of Num Noms and Tsum Tsums because they can be stacked.

They are made of a soft, slightly sticky, almost slime-like material that can be squashed, prodded and stretched to your heart's content before springing back to its initial shape. Juliette was intrigued to know if they were scented, like Num Noms, but they just have a slightly chemical, plasticky smell.

There are already almost a hundred Moj Moj to collect in series one and if your children love cute collectibles along the lines of Num Noms, they won’t be able to resist buying, trading and squeezing these cute, colorful characters. Moj Moj is available from @EntertainerToys and Mystery Packs containing two Moj Moj retail at £4, which is a little pricey for what you get, but well within pocket money prices.  

for more information :

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.


  1. Oh no, I think these are going to be Ella's next obsession!

    1. I know what you mean ... the Madhouse kids are always sucked in by a new collectible !
