Friday 13 April 2018

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 2018 week #16

This will be a weird week as I'm going back to work, but I'm also going to be busy looking after the visiting Norwegian delegation, which means two meals out with them in the evenings. I'll be dashing home in between the conference/workshops and the evening events to sort out the kids' homework and food, but they'll be on simple dishes that they can reheat for themselves. Lunches will be back to school canteen or fending for themselves at home. Then once we get back into routine, it's the school holidays ! No complaints here though :)


lunch - The Madhouse grandparents are over for the day so I'm not sure what I'm cooking yet - I might go with the usual roast dinner a day early or we might even take them out somewhere for our traditional Saturday fast food

dinner - spaghetti bolognese


lunch - Sunday roast or possibly a meal out (fast food or a cheap family-friendly restaurant) depending on what we did yesterday

dinner - for some reason, as I write this plan, I have a craving for bacon sandwiches - I'm sure the kids won't complain ! I might make them slightly healthier by doing BLTs or I may just listen to the kids and add just ketchup or brown sauce !


dinner - I'll be dashing in and out again for the welcome meal with the Norwegians so I'll cook up something simple like beefburgers, rice & Chinese veg


dinner - After a reception at the town hall, I'll be home in time to cook - but the kids will probably be starving so a quick option is needed. Meatballs, couscous and ratatouille should fit the bill nicely (and they can even have it with spaghetti instead if they prefer). 


lunch - the kids will be fending for themselves - there's a big tin of ravioli in the cupboard or they can fridge-graze instead, if there are leftovers (which there should be, if I've planned well enough)

dinner - an evening off so time for some proper cooking - chicken breast with baby potatoes and green beans


dinner - I'm out fine dining with the Norwegians but the kids will have to make do with a frozen pizza or something simple like a pouch of microwavable rice, sweetcorn or baked beans and hot dog sausages


 dinner - back to normal, the Norwegians will have left ... but the in laws may be arriving for the month-anniversary church service of Madhouse Daddy's funeral tomorrow (which they wanted to drive up for) ... so I'll go for a joker day - could be leftovers, could be takeaway, could be cheesy veg & bacon bake if it's just us

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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  1. Good luck with the week. It sounds like you are going to be busy!
    Ahh! Bacon sandwiches always go down well here...

    1. Sometimes the simplest dishes are the most popular ! xx

  2. Sounds like you've got a really busy week ahead! I bet meal-planning helps you stay on top of everything, well done you! Thanks for linking up x

  3. Wow, you've had such a busy week! I hope it's all gone well, I'm sure the meal planning will have helped you with the craziness. Also, I now totally want a bacon sandwich...
