Sunday 20 May 2018

Madhouse Diaries : Enjoying the Warmer Weather

With the arrival of the sunshine, we've been getting out and about more, making the most of the weather and the lighter evenings. This started off with Pierre spending his eagerly-saved pocket money on a mini skateboard. He'd been trying out Sophie's skateboard, practising his balance with her pushing him along on it.

 After some big sister coaching and showing him how it's done, it was time for Pierre to have a go. 

He started off looking very nervous and wobbly but soon discovered that falling off is quite funny too !

After a few more tries, he was starting to get the knack (and this was when he decided that he wanted to buy his own skateboard, rather than use Sophie's). 

Meanwhile, Juliette and the dogs waited patiently to resume our walk !

Ahh that's more like it - they always love the chance to get off their leads and stretch their legs.

Didou had great fun jumping through the long grass - I din't take a photo because we couldn't even see him except when he jumped ! - but it played havoc with my hayfever !

We headed into town on the 8th May and caught the end of the VE Day commemoration.

This is the uniform of the French Navy and if you touch one of the red pompoms on a sailor's hat, it's supposed to bring you good luck. It was so hot, one of the female Marines fainted, but luckily someone dashed in to catch her and her gun before it (and she) clattered to the floor.

I made sure we beat the heat by grabbing some of the free bottled water being handed out and, back home, Sophie made the most of the patio for some revising under the parasol ! 

After the success of his little growing corner in the kitchen, Pierre has discovered a new passion for gardening so we've been sowing seeds and planting bulbs in various containers.

It's all a bit hit-and-miss and the sun totally fried some of the plants we bought - cherry tomatoes and a few flowers mainly - but the gladioli bulbs are looking very promising and there are lots of green shoots.

The fun part is the planting anyway and Pierre loves going around watering everything every day when it's hot !

While Pierre was busy planting, I did a quick stocktake of what has come back since last year - our wisteria flowered but it was short-lived (maybe too much sun?) but I was pleased to see that the mint is thriving.

It's nice to just be pottering around outside with the kids, enjoying some quality time together in the sunshine. Hopefully there's plenty more where that came from !

Country Kids


  1. looks like you have been having lots of fun, i love gardening also

  2. Isn't it lovely to have the warmer weather again. It looks beautiful there and I don't blame Sophie for revising in the garden. Well done Pierre on his little garden patch and skateboarding skills, my boys have those mini boards and they are not easy to ride.

    Thank you for popping over to share on #CountryKids

    1. I think I might buy him a bigger skateboard for the summer - his balance is certainly improving :)

  3. You've reminded me that we have failed to plant anything again this year. My son loved the activity as much as Pierre seems to #CountryKids

  4. we are loving the light nights here as well.
    Oooppps at the poor woman passing out but no wonder in the heat.
    Great he is managing the skate board so well, and a great use of his pocket money.
    It was been way to hot here for the plants as well.

  5. So lovely to have some warmer weather. Pierre looks like he was doing well with the skateboard. It is lovely to plant and water things and watch them grow. Revising in the sunshine sounds lovely too. #countrykids

  6. Lovely to read about people pulling together #countrykids

  7. How lovely to hear that Pierre is enjoying gardening so much! Love your patio, looks very cosy. The photo with running dogs is so cute.

  8. My little boy likes gardening too
