Monday 24 September 2018

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 2018 week #39

Everyone seems to have come down with colds here at The Madhouse, so I doubt if the kids will be feeling very hungry. I'll try to tempt them by cooking up some of their favourites ! :)


dinner - as I forgot to buy a chicken to roast yesterday, I opted for a gammon joint that was in the freezer - it's quite small though, so I don't think there will be leftovers, in which case I'll go for chicken kebabs with rice & veggies (I think I'll use up something from the freezer) - this meal may end up getting ditched though, if there are leftovers !


dinner - beefburgers with mash & beans


lunch - spaghetti carbonara

dinner - frozen meatballs, couscous & ratatouille


dinner - roast chicken thighs with chips or rice and veg, depending on how well everyone is feeling


 dinner - cottage pie


lunch - kids' choice of restaurant/fast food (we ended up in a different restaurant last week, which was unplanned, but I bet it'll be back to McDonald's this week)

dinner - leftovers/snack food (quiche, salads, bread, dips, crisps, fruit, yogurts, etc)


lunch -  raclette for a change - melted cheese with potatoes and a selection of cold meats, gherkins, tomatoes and salad

dinner - fridge grazing or leftovers

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. Oh no! I hope everyone feels better soon. It sounds like you have a great week of meals planned x

  2. Raclette sounds good

  3. love meatballs and also love left overs for lunch with crusty bread xx

  4. Every time you mention McDonalds I'm like mmmm!

    We love a small gammon joint here, but you're right - rarely leftovers!

    Thanks for linking up x

    1. There were just enough leftovers for my daughter the next day for lunch - she's the only one who made it home !
