Monday 8 October 2018

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 2018 week #41

Last week's menu plan was a bit hit and miss as, towards the end of the week, people started feeling sick and I ended up having to pick Pierre up early from school and taking Friday off. Hmmmm. This week, we're all back to being fighting fit, although tiredness is catching up with all of us. Bring on the holidays ! In the meantime, here's what we're eating this week.


dinner - chow mein went down well last week, so I think I'll go for that again - incorporating the leftover meat from yesterday's meal and maybe some prawns for me and Juliette again

dinner - sausages, mash & beans


lunch - meatball subs & chips

dinner - we all enjoyed the Lancashire hotpot so much last week that I'm making another one - after a rummage through the freezer, it'll be lamb hotpot this week :)


dinner - leftovers or pizza


 dinner - KFC-style baked chicken with rice & veg or maybe coleslaw, if I have a cabbage in the fridge


lunch - kids' choice of restaurant/fast food

dinner - leftovers/snack food (quiche, salads, bread, dips, crisps, fruit, yogurts, etc)


lunch -  roast chicken with all the trimmings

dinner - sandwiches and leftovers

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. I'm glad you are all feeling better now.
    We're having a fake KFC too this week. So much cheaper than buying the real one.
    You have so many lovely meals this week. You can't beat sausages, mash & beans x

    1. Into the last two weeks before the holiday - and it's catching up with us all ! I've gone back to basics for now, to try to work out what the kids like eating best ! :)

  2. I love the idea of KFC baked chicken - sounds so tasty! And miles healthier too I bet!

    Thanks for linking up and have a great week x

    1. I always do baked chicken for KFC - which means I can't call it KFC really. Not sure KBC has the same ring to it though ! :)

  3. I am going to do that KFC style meal what a great idea
