Monday 4 March 2019

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 2019 week #10

Things are going to be pretty hectic at work for the next few weeks, with end-of-term meetings after school and a week-long visit from the Norwegians, for our communal project. On top of that, the in laws are coming up at the weekend for the one year anniversary of Madhouse Daddy's death. I'm just planning on getting through one day at a time ! I'll be looking for simple dishes to cut down on time in the kitchen (and hoping that Sophie will jump in to cook dinner on the evenings I get in late !)


dinner - chicken fillets with BBQ sauce, sweetcorn and rice


dinner - spaghetti bolognese


lunch - beefburgers and leftover spaghetti with ratatouille

dinner - gratin dauphinois (creamy baked potato dish) with pork chops & veg


dinner - mac & cheese with baked ham & tomatoes


 dinner - flammenkuechen (Alsace style "pizzas" - flatbread topped with cream, bacon and onions) with salad


lunch - probably dinner at the Chinese restaurant (we'll see what the in laws want to do)

dinner - probably kebab (they usually want to grab one before going home)


lunch - roast chicken dinner

dinner - home made pizzas - we'll buy some pizza bases and everyone can load up their own with the toppings of their choice (I may be out with the Norwegians)

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. Oh is it really a year ago? Sending big hugs for what is bound to be a difficult time.

    1. It is, but it seems to me to be either a lot longer or a lot less time, it depends on what's going on :-/ Pierre has been big on cuddles this week so far ... could have done with being on holiday this week to be honest :(

  2. It does sound like things are going to be busy. Sending big hugs and love. Thinking of you.
    All of your meals sound great. I hope Sophie does help with the cooking. x

    1. Thanks ... and Sophie did offer to do tea tonight so I can't complain ! xx

  3. Those flatbreads sound absolutely delicious! Thanks for linking up and I hope you have a great week x

  4. Thnking of you this week and yes one day at a time, we found that worked for us and still does and its coming to 4 years now xxx

  5. I've never heard of flammenkuechens, but they sound great!

  6. Ashleigh Allan8 March 2019 at 07:47

    Thinking of you this week
