Thursday 2 May 2019

Num Noms Chocolate Bark recipe & review

Easter has been and gone, leaving us with a glut of chocolate, so it was the perfect time to receive a lovely package from Num Noms, including a recipe for Num Noms Chocolate Bark, along with some lovely new Num Noms toys and goodies. More about those after the recipe.

The Chocolate Bark recipe is a great way of using up odds and ends of chocolate left lying around after Easter. I also incorporated some muesli (crushed biscuits would work well too) into the base layer, to add some extra texture.

 Num Noms Chocolate Bark

Break up 3 x 150g bars of milk (or plain) chocolate into a bowl and melt over a saucepan of boiling water. Or just shove it in the microwave for 30 seconds and stir !

Prepare your dish by lining it with clingfilm or foil. (Having used clingfilm, I would actually suggest using foil, as we found it ripped and stuck to the chocolate.)

Stir through some muesli if you like - we shook some straight out of the box, probably about 10 tablespoons' worth - and press into the dish.

Clean out the bowl and melt 50g of white chocolate. Pour over the top and use a cocktail stick to add some lovely swirls. 

Top with some halved mini eggs. (We had some small chocolate eggs to use up but official Mini Eggs would add lots of nice colour.)

Pop into the fridge to set then chop into large, randoms chunks. Yum !

While we were waiting for it to set, this was the perfect time to investigate the rest of the Num Noms goodies. As usual, despite what it may look like, this foodie-tastic packaging hides lots of lovely surprises but nothing to eat !

The pots on the left are Sparkle Smoothies, which contain one figurine - a scented Num topping along with a Nom glitter lip gloss. The little spongey applicator is great for avoiding sticky fingers when you put it on.

In the bottle (on the right in the second to last picture) is Num Noms Mystery Makeup, a collection which includes a mystery gift of nail polish, shimmer, body spray or lotion. You also get a lip gloss Nom pet and plate stand for the Yummy character. I was very impressed with this range - it looks cute and adds a grown-up feel to the toys, which undoubtedly would appeal to tweens.

And at the bottom, looking like giant sweets, are the Party Hair Num Noms, which combine a scented Num Noms character with one tuft of hair (or if you're lucky two tufts !), that can be styled, stuck on top of a pencil or used to tickle your little brother's nose and annoy him (which worked surprisingly well !).

So how was the Chocolate Bark going? Yay, it was all set and ready to eat.

Disclosure : We received the products in order to share our honest review.


  1. Making a chocolate bark from leftover chocolate eggs is a great idea. I'm mostly making the rocky road these days, as that's what Eddie asks for, but maybe I should change my boring repertoire and go for the bark. :)

  2. My 6 year old daughter usually eats her eggs within a few days, but this year she still has an egg, a Thornton's bunny, a lindt bunny, and a drumstick egg left, I'll have to suggest this over the weekend as there taking up room in my fridge xx
