Friday 28 June 2019

Scrubbingtons, Washing Solutions For Real Kids (review) #RealKidsGetMuddy

Having Pierre after two girls was a bit of a revelation. You know that thing in sitcoms when the man about the house picks up a decidedly dodgy looking T-shirt off the bedroom floor, gives it a quick sniff, then throws it on? Yep, he really does that ! I should count my blessings. He does love outdoor play, whether it's kicking a football about with his friends or riding his bike. He invariably comes in hot, sweaty and decidedly grubby. I used to ask him if he wanted a shower, but after too many negative responses, I now ask him if he would prefer a bath or a shower. It works most of the time, but now, I have a new ally - a collection of decidedly funky, kid-friendly hygiene products that we received to review and that, I'm delighted to say, he loves to use. Yay !

You may remember, we reviewed Scrubbingtons products here on the blog a few years ago (head over here to check out the original Scrubbingtons review) but they have recently had a revamp and launched a brand new look. They are still just as eco-friendly though, using natural ingredients that even those with sensitive skin can use and bottles made from 50% recycled plastic (they're working on the rest).

Right, time to grab Pierre and send him off in the direction of the bathroom to get testing ! He started off with the Scrub A Dub Bubble Bath (£3.99 for 250ml), which has a lovely, fresh fragrance. We all sniffed and I managed to convince everyone that it smelt of cherry blossom (childhood memories of my parents' garden drifting back there !) but after checking the website, it turns out it's actually the smell of fresh cut grass - ah, OK then ! Whatever it is, it's lovely and Pierre was soon splashing about in the bath, letting the bubbles get him clean and smell nice ! This product contains  the oil from the seeds of cotton which makes it extra soft - I might have to pinch this for myself when Pierre's not looking !

While he was busy in the bath, I told him to try the Scrub All 3-in-1 Hair & Body Foam (£3.99 for 200ml), which is a "finger sticking shampoo, conditioner and body foam that lasts twice as long as gel", according to the packaging. This means that you can get away with using less product and the bottle will last longer - bonus ! Well, to be honest, that's not true at all, because Pierre thought it was great fun and styled his hair with it and made balls with it that floated in the bath - ah well, at least it's getting him clean at the same time !

I love the name of the next product - Pit Stop (£3.99 for 50ml) ! It's a roll-on deodorant that is kind to  the skin on young armpits so tweens and teens can use it as soon as they need to. I'm lucky with Pierre - he hasn't started having pongy armpits yet, but I'm sure it won't be much longer ! This has the same lovely, fresh fragrance as the rest of the range - it's great to avoid all the conflicting fragrances that kids often use (in vast quantities !) so that you end up with a headache when they head out of the bathroom !

Finally, the most used product from the range, Scrub Up Hand & Face Foam (£3.99 for 200ml) which has the same mousse texture that is great for encouraging hand washing (and playing) and avoids the need for a flannel (where do they all end up ?!).

When the bottle has run out, don't throw it away - you can buy a Scrub Up refill pouch (£2.99 for 200ml), which will help save you money as well as helping out the planet. Definitely a win-win situation.

As the only male in the house since Madhouse Daddy passed away, Pierre loves the fact that he has his own range of hygiene products that aren't all "pink and flowery" and the girls have been told to keep their hands off ! That doesn't mean that they don't appeal to girls though - the fresh scent is great for everyone. It's brilliant to find a company that makes kid-friendly but also eco-friendly products. The range can be picked up at Tesco, Ocado and Amazon but you can also get free delivery on orders over £10 directly on the Scrubbingtons website.

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.


  1. Nice to see a range for kids, make them feel grown up

  2. I like the look of the new packaging which is now suitable for tweens and teens. The 'tee shirt check procedure' made me smile!!!
