Monday 10 June 2019

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 2019 week #24

This week will be a bit crazy, with Monday being a bank holiday (yippee !), then Tuesday and Thursday as late days when I won't get home from work until 7-8pm, so hopefully Sophie will take over on the cooking for those days (although she's busy with exams too - boo !). Ah well, I have a couple of frozen pizzas ready and waiting just in case so that should cover all options !


lunch - leftover Sunday roast (roast chicken, potatoes, veggies, stuffing, gravy), all made into a pie and served with mash

dinner - spaghetti carbonara


dinner - frozen pizza or, if Sophie is up for cooking it, spicy chicken (already seasoned, just needs to be cooked) with rice and sweetcorn


lunch - fajitas

dinner - cottage pie


dinner - frozen pizza if it wasn't eaten on Tuesday - otherwise there should be some leftovers for the kids and I'll grab a sandwich when I finally get in


 dinner - pork chops with rice & ratatouille


lunch - McDonald's or similar

dinner - sandwiches, salad or fridge clearout


lunch - meatballs with couscous & a tomato/red & green pepper/onions sauce

dinner - sandwiches, salads or leftovers

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. I hope you are enjoying your bank holiday. Sophie is a good lass helping with the cooking. I wish my teen would help more.
    Making a pie out of the Sunday roast leftovers is such a great idea.
    I hope your week isn't too hectic x

  2. I love the idea of a leftovers pie - especially with roast leftovers. It sounds so tasty!

    Thanks for linking up and hope your week is going well so far x

  3. Frozen pizzas are a wonderful standby, though I always pile on additional vegetables from the fridge. The issue I have is trying to get the middle cooked through safely without burning the outer edge ...

  4. The leftover pie is a great idea.

  5. Always a yummy meal plan, great choices, love a Roast dinner! x
