Monday 12 August 2019

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 2019 week #33

Well, after last week's disaster with the mouldy, defrosted fridge and freezer, everything is now functional again. I cleaned everything out - yuck ! - and bleached it all to within an inch of its life, but there's still a nasty whiff of .... well, let's say rotten meat rather than death ! .... every time I open them. I'm hoping this will wear off soon ! So, what wonders will I be rustling up this week? 


lunch - chicken burgers in buns with fries and coleslaw

dinner - spaghetti bolognese


lunch - enchiladas

dinner - pork chops, rice & ratatouille


lunch - sausages, mash & beans

dinner - chicken casserole with potatoes


lunch - pasta with ham & cheese for the kids, pesto for me

dinner - leftover chicken casserole & potatoes


 lunch - cheese & veggie omelettes

dinner - pork or chicken stir fry with veggies & noodles


lunch - McDonald's or similar

dinner - sandwiches, salad or fridge clearout


lunch - spicy chicken with rice & green beans

dinner - cheese on toast

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. Sorry to hear about your fridge-freezer defrost disaster. The smell of advanced decomposing food, especially meat, is something so ghastly it is difficult to describe. It even goes through walls - at least it seems to!
    Pleased to hear that it is all sorted now. Hope you have a good week.

    1. I'm so glad you said that ! I keep getting a nasty whiff and thinking no, it's not possible, the whole thing was taken apart and bleached ! I'll see how things go - maybe I'll have to replace them both ?! :-/

  2. Good luck with getting rid of the rotten smell in the fridge.
    Great meal plan. x

  3. Have you tried popping some bicarb in a dish in the fridge and freezer? It should absorb some of the smells! Also, you could use a lemon, and lemon juice, to give it another wipe over? x

  4. So glad your back to normal and agree that smell just does not leave does it. your week sounds lovely though sunday tea of cheese on toast is number one for me xx

  5. Sounds like you are getting back to normal, why is it the horrible smells always seem to linger but the nice ones like cakes etc go really quickly?

    Love the sound of your meal plan this week!

    1. That is actually a very good question - I don't know ! lol

  6. Sprry to hear about your disaster with the fridge-freezer, as well as trying bicarb you can try using used coffee grounds to try and absorb the smell - Good Luck, and the meal plan sounds fab

    1. Thanks - we've tried coffee grounds (didn't work) but I still have to give bicarb a go.
