Monday 1 June 2020

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 23

So, back to a working week ... how strange does this seem?! I've bought lots of simple things that the kids can cook for lunch when I'm not there. They managed before so there's no reason they won't cope now ! Last week, we ate everything that was planned except for the tacos. I'll put them on this week's plan instead ! :)


lunch- It's a bank holiday so we're all together for lunch. Leftover chicken, roast potatoes and veg in a pie, with mash.

dinner - Right, tacos ... I think we've got everything we need ! Sweetcorn, salad, tomatoes, guacamole, mince, cheese ... sounds good to me !


lunch- I'll be at work ... so chicken wings for the kids, with leftover rice (and I'll take a sandwich until I've worked out how things are going at the canteen !)

dinner- turkey curry (or plain turkey in gravy for the kids if they prefer) with rice - I have a jar of Butter Chicken sauce, so I'll try Butter Turkey ! :)


lunch- day off for everyone ... battered fish with potatoes and veg

dinner-  chipolatas with spaghetti & cherry tomatoes


lunch- I'll be at work ... cheese & ham croissants for the kids (or leftovers)

dinner- turkey burgers with rice & salad


lunch- I'll be at work ... leftover sausages for the kids, maybe in sandwiches

dinner -   spaghetti carbonara


lunch-  I'm thinking there will be leftovers to use up

dinner- spicy chicken & chips


lunch- not sure what I'll have picked up yesterday at the supermarket - probably a roast dinner of some shape or form !

dinner- pizza

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. Good luck back at work and more great sounding meals i do like spicy chicken and chips

  2. Good luck with the return to work. I hope it all goes well.
    Great meal plan! I love the sound of the tacos and the turkey curry x

  3. I'm thinking I might make a nice roast dinner on Sunday as the weather is going to turn cold apparently! I hope you're keeping well and thanks for linking up!
