Sunday 12 July 2020

Project 366 : Photo Diary week 28

This week was the first week of the summer holidays - woohoo ! It was lovely just to chill out and stop rushing around at work. I ended up rushing around at home all week instead, but at least it was less stressful ! My plan for this week was sorting out Pierre's room. He's just about to turn 11 and the last time we had a big sort-out must have been about 6 years ago. He still had all his old toddler toys cluttering up the cupboards so it was definitely time for a dejunk ! We have got SO MANY bin bags full of stuff to get rid of now ! We took about six bin bags full of good condition toddler toys to our local toy shop charity bin and there are just as many bags of rubbish (toys with bits missing, stained clothes, old school books, ...) to get rid of again. On top of that, we've been planning an upcoming trip to Belgium. It's a bit of a comedown after our initial planned trip to the Dominican Republic, but it's the best we can do at the moment !

Sunday 5th July - It was a lovely sunny day so we all went off for a ride on the bus and headed to the beach. The whole bus network is free in Dunkirk - this was introduced a couple of years ago - and it's brilliant for us, as I don't drive. I was a bit worried about us getting a weird sun tan around our masks but never mind, we don't have a lot of choice !

Monday - We (me and Sophie and a little bit Pierre !) spent all day dejunking Pierre's room. We knew it was going to be a big job and, despite filling bags with rubbish and unwanted stuff, you couldn't really see any difference at the end of the day. There were some weird cloud formations today. Strange zigzaggy ones at the bottom and fluffy ones at the top. The one in the top right corner looked almost like an evil monster screaming at the other clouds !

Tuesday - Another day taking on Pierre's room. It started looking a lot better, as we removed all the bin bags and dropped off the toys at the local toy store, but then we emptied out the cupboard and the storage units at the end of the bed and it all started looking as bad as when we started again ! Time for the weekly shop - I usually go on Saturdays but, as we still had lots of food to use up and I wasn't working, we put it off for a couple of days. Sophie totally reorganised the fridge, which made me laugh. I'm sure she's a bit OCD at times !

Wednesday - Yep, you've guessed it ... another day clearing out Pierre's room. Having emptied out his wardrobe (which was basically full of toddler toys), this gave us more room for actually putting things away, so we could finally see a big difference. We finished off by taking Didou for a walk and I took a photo of Pierre's school as we walked past it for old time's sake. All three of the kids went here and now, that page of our lives is turning over.

Thursday - Today, I FINALLY had an appointment at the sollicitor's, to sort out Madhouse Daddy's inheritance. As discussed last time, I have to put €5000 in an account for each of the kids. (Well, for Juliette and Pierre anyway, as Sophie is over 18 so she can "fight her own corner", according to the sollicitor. I'll do the same for her though.) That was all that was arranged last time though. I don't know what I was expecting really, but I literally had about ten documents to sign and that was it. I wasn't even sure where the money for this was coming from - some people at work were absolutely 100% sure that Madhouse Daddy's money (from the bank accounts in his name) would have been blocked at his death and that this money would then be shared out between us - but there was no mention of any funds at all, so I just have to make the arrangements from the money at the bank then provide proof to the Children's Judge. It all seems to impersonal and controlling. I know some families maybe need to be forced to give money to their kids, but when you're already putting money aside for them and doing the best you can, it all seems a bit OTT. Oh well, at least the money is in my savings account. What would we have done if there was nothing there ?! We went out for a big walk with the dog again, to clear my head. The clouds seemed to be passing on a message that everything was OK and not to worry.

Friday - After a couple of hours tidying up in Pierre's room, I made lunch then felt strangely exhausted so I went to lay down for a little while. When I woke up TWO HOURS LATER (!!), Pierre had finished everything - tidied up, set up his PS4 and was happily playing Fortnite with his friends. Well, it's not totally finished - it still needs another good hoover and there is still one toy box and one cupboard to dejunk, but it is looking a lot better and has a lot more space in it, so I'll come back to it ! This week, Pierre has learnt how to make garlic bread. He watched me making it at the start of the week, to use up the end of a baguette, and couldn't believe how simple it was. He's made it almost every day since as an afternoon snack and is excited about having this as a quick lunch when he's home alone for lunch as from next year !

Saturday - We spent ages going through lists of things to visit in Belgium and looking up any special arrangements due to Coronavirus. Apart from having to book visiting times for most of the attractions, even the free ones, it all looks quite doable actually. I decided I'd rather stick with cheap hotels than go with our original plan of using Airbnb, as it should all be disinfected regularly at least. We've decided to go to Brussels, Antwerp, Gent and Brugges. I love the fact that our fridge is full of extra veggies now that Sophie is back home. For lunch, we had chicken, pasta and, for those who wanted them, olives, cherry tomatoes and marinated peppers. Hmmm !

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  1. Could Sophie come and reorganise my fridge shelves as well? She did a wonderful job with yours. :) Glad your plans with the trip will go ahead at some point, you all deserve a holiday. Well done for such a dedicated effort to de-clutter Pierre's room. I always enjoy looking at the clouds and seeing shapes. Homemade garlic bread is the best. Glad to hear that the solicitor's making some progress, it's ridiculous how long it has taken.

    1. She's great at washing up too, and tidying the kitchen - no arguments from me ! lol.

  2. Ahh! I am really looking forward to the summer holidays and giving up on the home schooling.
    It sounds like a big job sorting Pierre's room. Eek!
    That sounds great about the free buses. Such a great idea for people who don't drive. I'd love something like that here.
    Your fridge looks very organised. I could do with Sophie here to organise mine.
    Sending hugs. It doesn't sound like much fun at the solicitors. I'm glad it's sorted now.
    It sounds like you have some great plans for your trip to Belgium x

    1. The free buses are great - it's supposed to help keep cars off the streets, so the town centre is less busy with fewer parking problems, and also for the planet. It's brilliant as you can get quite a long way on them so it's great for days out in the summer too :)

  3. what a fab way to get people onto public transport and help cut the carbon footprint of running a bus half empty as they tend to do here.
    I am nearly a tenner to go into town and back, a 12 minute drive by car, over 30 in the bus.
    The inheritance sounds a right royal pain, I have nothing to leave to mine.
    Nice to get Pierre's room done right at the start of the holiday

    1. The free buses are great - but it is annoying in the summer when they are absolutely packed and you have to wait for a second or third bus to arrive that actually has room on it !

  4. OoOo I hope you all have fun in Belgium. The masks are cute. Good that the bus service is free. The school's architecture is amazing! The inheritance issue seems annoying. It takes forever and useless spending of money in my country to transfer ownership from one family member to another. The meal looks delicious. Cool! Pierre is making garlic bread

    1. It does seem crazy, having to spend so much on the sollicitors, even if you don't want/need them !

  5. I love how Sophie has organised your fridge, I do that from time to time and it gives me a fresh look at what there is to eat. I'm really looking forward to getting back to Dubai for a good declutter soon, it'll be too hot to go out side too often and will give me something to do while Peter is working. Enjoy the trip to Belgium

    1. We've just got back from Belgium and I'm planning the next stage of decluttering already !

  6. I am planning a massive clear out in September when the kids are all back at school and i can throw out all the broken or toddler toys that aren't played with any more. Great about the free bus service, I wish they had that around here. #project366

    1. This is the main problem for me - if I'm home, so are the kids, as it's the school holidays, so they always stop me throwing too much away ! lol

  7. The French inheritance laws sound confusing to British ears - hope you can navigate your way through. The trip to Belgium will be very welcome. I think free public transport is such a good idea - wish they would do it here.

    1. It's a great idea and good for the environment too, as people tend to use the buses rather than their cars :)

  8. How lovely to be on summer holidays and to be able to relax a bit more. Sounds like you had quite an epic clear-out with Pierre’s old things. Glad that it made a big difference in the end. Sorting out Madhouse Daddy’s inheritance sounds very complicated and I’m not surprised you were so exhausted the next day after having to deal with that. I’m glad you’re able to get away for a holiday after all even if it isn’t the one you had planned. #project366

    1. We have a big to-do list to work through after our trip to Belgium - eeek !

  9. I bet there will be a big difference in his room even if you don't feel you can notice it, sometimes you create more mess to get to the point its tidy again. My eldest always wants to hang on to things, but my youngest likes to keep his room very orderly.

    1. I've told Pierre that after all the effort we're putting in, he has to keep on top of things from now on. It should be easier once it's all streamlined - hopefully ! lol

  10. Hope you get Madhouse Daddy's inheritance sorted asap, it sounds a nightmare

  11. Sophie did a wonderful job with your fridge that looks great. Glad your plans with the trip will go ahead at some point, you deserve a holiday. I love looking at the clouds and seeing shapes. I did it for hours as a kid and encourage mine to do it too. Homemade garlic bread is the best. xx

    1. We're back to boring blue or grey skies now - I want some more clouds to look at !

  12. What gorgeous cloud formations!! I always love to spot things like that when they happen! How fab that you have free bus travel in and around Dunkirk, I bet that makes life a whole lot easier and I expect more people use the public transport! Such a fab idea but can't expect our thieving council would ever do anything like that! Hope you have enjoyed your trip away and that it was super sunny for you... the Dominican Republic can wait for another time... gives you chance to perfect your meringue moves for when you go! Hope you are having a lovely week! Sim x

  13. We had a good time in Belgium and we're now having a major dejunk/sort out/reorganisation in the house, which is long overdue and we never usually have the time. Every cloud has a silver lining ! ;-)
