Monday 7 September 2020

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 36

As predicted, we didn't really stay on plan last week, but that was inevitable, as we didn't have a clue who would be home and when. I didn't plan on Pierre forgetting his keys and ending up at the neighbour's for lunch on Friday though ! :-/  Ah well, this week is slightly calmer as we at least know everyone's timetable, so it makes things a bit easier.


lunch- Pierre will be home from 12.00-1.30 but I finish at 12.30 and won't be home until about 1pm, which will be too late to start cooking, so it's a free for all. I'll probably just have a sandwich. Pierre can go fridge raiding.

dinner - As it's my afternoon off, I'll set up the slow cooker and make something with some stewing beef that I bought. Beef in ale or beef bourguignon or something along those lines, with carrots & onions in the sauce and rice on the side. Oh, I have a pack of green beans that needs using up too so they could go well with this.


dinner- garlic & herb chicken with pasta and leftover green beans


lunch- chicken spring rolls

dinner- sausage casserole with mash


dinner- Provençal chicken (with tomatoes, onions & paprika) with rice


dinner - Probably leftovers - if not chicken sausages with pasta & ratatouille


lunch- quite possibly a trip to McDonald's

dinner- pizza or cheese on toast


lunch- marinated chicken breasts with rice & veg

dinner- fridge grazing or a sandwich

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. Replies
    1. Erm yeah ! It's the kids' favourite meat so it happens quite frequently !

  2. Ahh! It's inevitable that things don't go to plan, especially at the start of a new school year.
    Great meal plan. The beef in the slow cooker sounds so good. I could have done with something like that tonight, it's been quite chilly today x

    1. It was so tasty - definitely a goodbye to summer though ! *sniff*

  3. Fab meal plan! I love sausage casserole with mash. I'm cooking more hearty dinners as the cooler nights creep in. x

    1. It's quite nice to get back to the colder weather recipes :)

  4. Great meal plan and you did not think it would go to plan. nice to get the slow cooker out again x

    1. I'd forgotten how useful it is - I definitely need to use this more often !

  5. All of your meals sounds so good, but in particular the chicken spring rolls - yum!

    Have a lovely week and thank you for linking up your meal plan! x
