Sunday 18 October 2020

Project 366 : Photo diary week 42

 Our final week at school before heading into our two-week half-term holiday - literally counting down the days ! Next week, I plan on chilling out, catching up on sleep and unwinding. Oh, I have a rather large to-do list to work through too ... but that can wait for a few days !

Sunday - At the kids' request, we had raclette for dinner - it's a French cheese that melts into a smooth almost-liquid texture and you melt it in a little dish on a special machine, then pour it over boiled potatoes and cured meats (ham, salami, etc). Delicious - and it also helped warm up the house, as we still have no heating ! Spent the rest of the day as usual, catching up on the weekly wash, phoning my parents and doing my marking.

Monday - My half-day at school. In the afternoon, I went back to the town hall to pick up Pierre's new ID card. Headed back home and worked on my write-up for the Norway project - I'd done a few lessons in class and had to write all my answers on a worksheet about how the lessons were planned, improvements I'd make, skills that were used, etc. Finished off with more marking. Who said it was supposed to be a half-day?! *sigh* 

Tuesday - A usual day at work, then it was Pierre's parent-teacher evening. This year, due to Covid-restrictions, we had one appointment to see his form teacher (who is his French teacher) and one extra teacher (his physics/chemistry teacher). It all went OK. We talked about a test in the first week where he got 0/10 because he was caught with identical responses to his friend's answers. After talking to Pierre when we got home, he admitted that it wasn't him who was cheating, as he had originally told me. He'd agreed to take the blame for his friend (who was cheating off of Pierre) because his friend promised to give him some sweets ! In his own words, he had no regrets ! Apart from shaking my head at him and telling him not to do it again, I couldn't help but laugh when I explained it all to Juliette. What a blooming idiot ! Juliette made pancakes for tea while we were at the school so I didn't even have to cook when we got back :)

Wednesday - A morning at work, then an afternoon at home, where I finally finished off my Norway report and sent it off by email. Done ! Thank goodness for that ! I decided to go and do battle with the boiler again, as it was feeling decidedly chilly. I turned it on again, the same way I have numerous times in the last ten days, and it burst into life - we have heating ! But still no hot water !?! I really don't get it ! Still, the house is warm so it's better than it was. I hope it stays on this time. We celebrated by warming up endless kettles and pans of water and filling up the bath - it reminded me of when I was a kid and we must have had similar problems with the boiler !

Thursday - A long day at work, but it was lovely to come home to a warm house. I still have no idea what the problem was last week or how I managed to fix it this time, but who cares? We have heat ! Took the dog out for his usual walk after dinner - it's decidedly dark when we get back home now. The sky looked so menacing, I was sure we'd have a storm before we made it home, but we didn't luckily.

Friday - The final day at school before the holidays - I was nice and finished off the lessons with the younger kids with Halloween wordsearches ! At the end of the day, I had to hang around for half an hour, then walk down to meet Juliette at her school, before heading off for her orthodontist's appointment. All OK, next appointment in February, all done in ten minutes, waiting time included ! Back home to the lovely smells of dinner wafting from the slow cooker - it's such a fabulous invention !

Saturday - The weekend is pretty full-on usually, but as I'm on holiday next week, I put everything back a few days - trip to the cemetery? shopping? washing? That can all wait until next week ! After a lazy morning, we headed into town, ate at McDonald's (they've reduced the number of seats/tables and you now have to leave your details/phone number so you can be contacted if there are COVID cases) then went to look for a new coat for Pierre. There are very few shops that cater to teenage boys but he eventually found one that he loved in Redskins. It's an expensive shop - adult coats were all about €300 so I was expecting the worst, but for a kids' coat, it was about €50-60. Still expensive but it's good quality and I know that, even if the shop has nothing to do with the Washington Redskins, it reminds Pierre of his dad's favourite American football team, so I gave in and bought it. We saw this big dragonfly on the ground - not quite dead but definitely on the way out. Poor thing - it's probably way too cold for it to survive now.

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  1. Ohh! Lucky you. We only get a week for half term here and we're ready for it.
    The raclette sounds delicious!
    hehehe! That did make me chuckle about Pierre and the test.
    Oh no! That is rubbish that you're still having trouble with your boiler. x

    1. Luckily it made me laugh too ... but for sweets? Sheesh ! lol

  2. Never heard of raclette before. Might have to give it a try

  3. Oh wow! Those storm clouds! Hurrah for heating, boo to no hot water. Love the sound of that cheese dish #366

    1. We're all happier now there's heating - luckily, even if it's fiddly, we can get around the hot water problem for now. I would love the luxury of just turning on a tap and having hot water though ! lol

  4. Only a week here for half term, but no idea if we're going to end up with further restrictions over it. The raclette would go down really well with N. He loves cheese in any format.

    1. He'd love tartiflette too - a whole cheese melted in the oven over potatoes, bacon and onions !

  5. Yay for working heating. We have an oil bolier here and I swear it has a mind of its own! Working one minute and not the next. Hope the hot water decides to work for you too. We have just got a slow cooker and I must admit I am really getting into it. I love raclette we use to have one - I must try and find it.

  6. When I worked in a Swiss hotel after uni raclette was one of the most popular dishes on the menu for groups eating together. Really fancy one now. Had to giggle at Pierre letting his friend cheat for sweets.

    1. He better not do it again ... blooming idiot ! lol

  7. Ooh I love raclette, what a yummy dinner to have, and slow cookers are great – it’s so nice to come home to dinner in them. I’m glad that it wasn’t Pierre who was cheating. Good that you managed to get the heating on again – hope that you can manage to get hot water again at some point too and enjoy your half-term break. #project366

    1. Hot water suddenly seems like a huge luxury when you haven't got it ! lol

  8. That sounds a good price for Pierres coat and lovely to have a reminder of his dad while he is wearing it. I gave up teaching due to all the additional paperwork. In regards to your boiler do you have a hot water tank? If so see if it is an immersion tank as well, there may be a switch to turn it on separately from the central heating system, costs more to heat that way though. I remember my mum pouring pans of hot water into the bath when I was a child. Oh dear to Pierre with the 'not' cheating, however he obviously decided the reward of the sweets was greater than the punishment

    1. The hot water tank is separate and is (according to my neighbour) switched off. Unfortunately, even he couldn't figure out how to get it back on again ! He has a friend who may have the answer - fingers crossed !

  9. Your boiler has a mind of its own. Hope the heating stays on, and the hot water has re-appeared by now. Tut tut, Pierre! The friend sounds rather calculating, making Pierre take the blame. The new coat sounds great, and especially that it has a special connection to his Dad.
    I know of raclette, but don't think I have tried it.

  10. That french cheese sounds lovely! I quite fancy trying that. How lovely Juliette made pancakes for tea, she is such a good girl that one! Pierre is funny saying he has no regrets, I hope his friend did remember to give him sweets though after all that.

    1. Apparently he did - big purple chewy ones and they were really nice, "so worth it" ! Kids !!!

  11. I wish we had a 2 week half term as I've been ill for most of our single week! Glad you finally have heating but shame about the water. I'm not sure how I'd react if one of my kids confessed to cheating to save a friend in exchange for sweets! #project366

    1. He didn't tell me until I'd already spoken to the teacher so it was too late to do anything about it anyway - it'll go down as a story to bring out on his 18th birthday though ! lol

  12. I can almost smell the cheese and feel it in my mouth...mmmm, looks delicious. Pierre took the blame for his friend? wow. OoOOo pancakes. When there's no gas available and the geyser isn't working, we have to heat a bucket of water with an electric rod before we use it for bathing. Woah, the sky looks like it wants revenge. Dinner looks delicious. Interesting step by McDonald's
