Sunday 6 December 2020

Project 366 : Photo diary week 49

I know I said this last week but THIS week, fingers crossed, life should definitely start calming down. The translation is finished (again ! They added a couple more documents after I sent them all over last time *sigh*), the school reports are filled in, there are only two more class meetings then we're into the final week before the holidays. Thank goodness for that ! Sophie has made it back home for Christmas too so she'll be with us for the next month. In short, all is well here at The Madhouse !

Sunday 29th November - The confinement was lifted this weekend and the shops opened up again, so we decided to head into town for a look around. We managed to get a few more Christmas presents sorted out. Is it just me being all bah humbug or are these baubles just too big for the size of the Christmas trees ?! Some of the trees have literally one bauble on. Maybe it's artistic and I'm missing the point ?!

Monday - A morning at work, then I came home for lunch, had a few hours at home (just enough time to fold the laundry) then had to dash back to work for my class meeting. It started at 4.45pm but I had another one back-to-back so I didn't get home until about 8pm. This was the moon peeking out of the clouds on the way home. Too late for walking the dog tonight. I cooked up some dinner then we all settled down for a quick bit of TV then bed.

Tuesday - A normal day at work - nothing special to report ! Back at home, checking my blog comments, there is something very weird going on. I keep getting spam comments for a dating/sex website. Nothing unusual about that but they are all coming through on this old post for a New Zealand recipe for bacon and egg pie. Why would that attract spammers?! I'm totally confused ! I must have deleted about 30 comments on this post over the last few weeks ! I must be missing something !

Wednesday - After a morning at work, I decided to make the most of the afternoon to clear the last of the translation. First, I had to chase it up with the person who wrote the document as they guy who wants it translating has still failed to send it. I know he's busy but so am I ! Grrrr ! I also started wrapping up Christmas gifts in case anyone starts peeking ! 

Thursday - They've started adding more decorations to the town centre. They add a splash of colour but it's nothing like the usual Christmas market, big wheel and free skating rink that are usually here. It's going to be a strange old Christmas this year !

Friday - A long day of lessons, topped off with an after-school meeting, so I was totally knackered when I got home from school. It was about 7.15 so not that bad. This was a quick shot on the way to work in the morning. Reflection of the sky from the bus stop.

Saturday - I will be honest, I wasn't sure she'd make it and I had visions of her being turned back at Dover, but Sophie made it home. Yay! This was a picture she sent from the train next to The Shard at dawn. She was knackered (as was I, from my week at work) so we both ended up having an afternoon nap - oops !

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  1. Fingers crossed things do start to calm down.
    Yes, those baubles on the Christmas trees in town look too big.
    That is really odd about the spam comments but I get so many on a Sunday photo of a Lush bath bomb from years ago. It really is strange what attracts spammers. lol
    Welcome home Sophie! x

    1. It's what what attracts the spammers .... although (fingers crossed) I've just realised that it all seems to have calmed down now. I hope that's the end of it !

  2. How lovely you will have Sophie home for a whole month :) That elf decoration is fab, lights are going up around our town but I would love some of those too. Sounds like you have had another busy week, hope the last week of term will be more relaxing for you! x

    1. She may even be home for longer than that, with the new virus. Not sure if/when Eurostar will be up and running again. Luckily all her lessons can be done online for now anyway. We'll see what happens !

  3. I get that sometimes with posts - loads of spam on just a few posts and no clue why. I agree the baubles a bit big and you need a bit more colour on a tree that that.

  4. Good that every work's finishing up before the holidays. Busy day at work. I'm getting spam comments from multiple sites sending the same Spanish sentence. Maybe they all liked your pie. Get the translation work over and done with. Cool decorations to the town centre. Cool shard

    1. Spam comments just seem to have no logic - where do they come from ?!!

  5. Glad Sophie made it back ok. I find the same with posts - it's always random ones then they get lots of comments. I've managed to get rid of most spam by adding about 400 banned words, now get so many fewer than the hundreds I was getting a day.

    1. Fingers crossed, the spam has finally stopped. I don't think you can ban words on blogger - that would be good though !

  6. It does seem a bit daft to have a tree with one decoration. Although I do love the elf. How wonderful to have a free ice rink lets hope it makes a return next year. I know what you mean re spam comments Ive 230 that I need to delete from the last month or so. Glad Sophie made it home okay.

    1. The free ice rink is great - it's been there for several years so I hope it will return next year. Fingers crossed !

  7. Glad Sophie has made it back home for Christmas. I’m with you on those baubles looking a little big for the trees. It’s bizarre sometimes which posts attract lots of spam comments. I love the elf decoration. #project366

    1. It's nice to all be back together for Christmas, especially in the current conditions. Who knows what will happen next ?!

  8. You are right, those baubles are far too big for those trees. Glad to hear that Sophie has made it home for Christmas

  9. so glad to hear that Sophie has made it home for Christmas, such a relief. I'm guessing the tree's decorations may have been stolen, can't imagine the trees being decorated with just one bauble, or maybe they are, how odd

    1. Looking around, it seems to be a (weird) design choice - they're all the same, all over town ! lol

  10. How lovely that Sophie made it home. Some decorations are peculiar, I don't undertsand minimalism! #project366

    1. I agree - when it comes to Christmas, more is definitely better !

  11. Ohhhh I love that Elf decoration in the town centre, how lovely! So glad Sophie made it home for Christmas - time to bunker down and eat chocolate! :) Good news on getting the translation sorted at last! As for the post, well, eggs are full of protein... maybe there is something in it! ;) Bacon and Egg pie sounds awesome too! Hope you are all well and having a lovely week! Sim x

    1. Hunkering down and eating chocolate pretty much sums up what we've been doing lately .... although now that Sophie is older, she's discovered Malibu too ! Gulp !
