Sunday 17 January 2021

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 3


I've just checked through the menu plan and we ate most of it as planned, until Saturday night when Juliette asked if we could have burgers and chips instead of tartiflette - I think she's missing our Saturday trips to town with lunch at McDonald's ! (To be fair, they had been on the plan earlier in the week, but got bumped as we had leftovers to use up.) I must admit, I've got into the routine of planning lunch for Saturdays too now so I don't know if we'll go back to burgers or not once coronavirus has packed its bags and restaurants open up again. We'll see ! So, on to this week ... Juliette's on a "lessons at home" week this week. It's hard keeping track of who's eating where !


lunch- leftover cooked chicken, pasta, onions, mushrooms, peppers (it's basically a fridge clearout but shh, don't tell the kids !)

dinner - I picked up some yellow-stickered stewing beef when I did the shopping so something in the slow cooker resembling beef bourguignon, with some leftover baked potatoes (possibly made into wedges)


dinner- I need to reschedule Tartiflette quickly before the cheese gets too stinky ! - baked potatoes, onions and bacon, topped with reblochon cheese and thrown in the oven


lunch- I picked up some yellow-stickered chicken too so French style chicken with peas and bacon sounds good, without the lettuce (I don't like the idea of cooked lettuce !), served with rice or pasta

dinner- I'm thinking there will be leftovers to use up


lunch - smoked sausages, peppers, onions, tomatoes with rice

dinner- chicken paupiettes (chicken breast wrapped around sausagemeat) with mash & veg


dinner -spaghetti bolognese


lunch- tacos or chicken fajitas - I'll let the kids choose 

dinner- Whatever I picked up at the supermarket (pizza?)


lunch- looking through the cupboard, I found the giant vol au vent cases that I bought - they can be filled with creamy chicken & mushrooms in a thick white sauce (they're called bouchées à la reine in French - "mouthfuls of the queen" !) - they can be served with salad and mash

dinner- leftovers or toast

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. We've got spaghetti bolognese today - always a winner isn't it! Hope you're having a good week when you read this & thanks for linking up!

  2. Delicious meals planned. Spaghetti Bolognese is a favourite in our house too, so quick to do.
    Have a great week.

  3. Great meal plan. The fridge clear out meal sounds so good. I love meals like that when you have a bit of everything. It sounds like you've done well with the yellow stickered items. x
