Sunday 7 February 2021

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 6


As always happens, the kids didn't eat the nibbly bits (chicken wings, chicken nuggets, ...) that I got for them to eat at lunchtimes when I was at work, so they need using up next week, or I suppose I could throw them in the freezer. We ended up grabbing a kebab on Friday night because I was tired out when I got home from work - they're massive so the leftovers do for Saturday lunchtime too. Apart from that, we pretty much stayed on track though. I can't believe we're into week 6 of the year already - where is the time going? We were just saying yesterday that the evenings are staying lighter longer, so I guess spring is on the way ! OK, here's this week's menu plan.


lunch- I think there will be leftovers to use up (Monday lunchtimes are complicated - Pierre is home from 12-1pm, I get home at about 12.30 and don't work in the afternoon, Sophie is on her college online class until about 1pm, this week Juliette is at school ... we'll see what happens ! lol)

dinner - Pork in caramel sauce with rice & stir-fried veg


dinner- I picked up some pies filled with potato, bacon and raclette cheese - not sure what I can serve them with. Mash and salad maybe? I have some leftover white cabbage so I could throw together some coleslaw too.


lunch- chicken burgers with pasta & ratatouille

dinner- I grabbed some pork filet mignon but I have no idea what to do with it ! I think I'll serve it with onions and mushrooms, maybe a cream sauce ... ooh, I've just thought about gratin dauphinois, a creamy potato bake. The kids love that so that'll do :)


lunch - I'm thinking there will be leftovers to use up

dinner- Spanish chicken (chicken in a tomato & paprika sauce) with couscous


dinner - We're a bit early but let's do Chinese new year - I have some chicken spring rolls and some Chinese nibbles. We could even fry up some prawn crackers as I found a box of "make your own prawn crackers" in the back of the cupboard !


lunch- friands (they're basically like big sausage rolls) with boiled potatoes (or mash) and veg

dinner- spaghetti carbonara


lunch- roast chicken, roast potatoes and veg (and hopefully some kind of birthday cake for Juliette !)

dinner- toast, leftovers or maybe homemade chicken soup, if I ended up getting a whole chicken

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. You've just reminded me that I have some leftovers in the fridge from last night's takeaway! Thank you! Hope you're keeping well and thanks for linking up x

  2. I love this! So much variety! We hope things go well with the plans for the week and happy birthday to the birthday girl.

  3. Its hard work thinking of lunches too isn't it. My kids have had quite a few sandwiches or chicken nugget wraps as they are quick and easy

  4. Since been at home i'm struggling with lunch ideas more than tea so this has helped.
    Great meals for the week. Have a good week x

  5. My two always eat the nibbly bits, stuff I buy to last the week are usually gone in a couple of days. The kebab on Friday night sounds fantastic.
    Fab meal plan. I love the sound of the Pork in caramel sauce and your early Chinese meal x

  6. We find lucnhes hard too, the boys are bored of sandwiches but its hard of thinking about lunches they will eat. x
