Sunday 14 February 2021

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 7


Into the last week before the school holidays and, with COVID cases on the rise, we are going into one-day-on-one-day-off at school so we only have two year groups out of four on site each day (years 1 and 3 on Mon/Wed/Fri and years 2 and 4 on Tues/Thurs). Things may evolve though, as the mayor has asked for all schools to be shut for the final week (a request that has so far been refused). That should mean that I'll be home for lunch every day except for Friday. I've got a stinking rotten cold - I think it's just a cold as I can still taste food and last week was freezing, so every day, as I waited at the bus stop in minus temperatures, my mask got instantly wet as I breathed. Pierre's best friend's dad has just tested positive for COVID though, so he (the friend) is getting a test on Monday. If he comes back positive, Pierre will be a contact case and need a test too. We'll see how things unfold ... I went shopping yesterday and filled up the fridge and freezer anyway, so we're good to go for a while, whatever happens !


lunch- chicken breasts, boiled potatoes & Mexican veg (straight from the freezer - peas, carrots, red kidney beans, sweetcorn, green beans)

dinner - chilli con carne (with leftover Mexican veg mixed in) and rice


lunch- leftover chilli con carne with pasta

dinner- pork chops, couscous & ratatouille


lunch- baked potatoes with tuna & salad (or butter & cheese for Pierre)

dinner- something from the freezer in the slow cooker - beef stew maybe? with rice (+ carrots, onions, mushrooms, peppers in the stew)


lunch - chicken burgers with mash and salad

dinner- chicken fajitas


dinner - chicken & veg stir fry with noodles


lunch- creamy pork with pasta

dinner- pizza


lunch- Spanish chicken with roast potatoes & veg

dinner- toast or leftovers

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. I hope everything works out with the tests etc for you. A great week we have not had chlli in ages also lovely comfort food and makes a great lunch x

  2. I hope all goes well with the covid tests. My cousins & her husband have it too, as she works in a nursery so picked it up from there. I will be so glad when it has all died down and we can get back to some normality again.
    Great meals, Have a good week x

    1. My "cold" seems to be on the way out so I think that's ok, just a normal winter bug. No news from Pierre's friend so we'll see what happens there. Eeeek !

  3. Sounds like you've got some great meals planned this week!

    Hope you're keeping well and thanks for linking up!

  4. We're on half term this week and from what I've read back to school next month.
    Eek! I hope you feel better soon and I do hope Pierre doesn't need a test. What a worry. At least you got chance to go shopping and filled up the fridge and freezer.
    Great meal plan. x

    1. Yes, it's good to know the freezer is back in operation, in case it's needed !

  5. Oh dear, that's worrying. Have you had news re Pierre's friend? Fingers crossed for you all. Your menu plan sounds tasty!

    1. Pierre's friend tested positive so I kept Pierre home from school for his last day. (They're on one day on-one day off this week.) The teachers didn't even mention the COVID case to his class, but, talking to someone at our school, only cases where kids have been together for 15 minutes without a mask (at the canteen, for example) are they considered contact cases. Sounds a bit crazy but there you go !
