Saturday 6 March 2021

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 10


I had planned on catching up on some blog posts last week, but my last post was in fact last week's menu plan - oops ! I did continue sorting out the house though, which isn't a bad thing. We were supposed to get a new boiler installed on Wednesday but on Tuesday afternoon, the company phoned to say they were cancelling because the work was impossible! Why did we sign the contract then? All the financial aid from the government was set up for this company so I had to dash about checking they weren't going to get their hands on the money. Blooming gits ! Next week, we're back to school but only half of the year groups are in on each day so half of the work will be online, half in class. There are two days where my only face-to-face lesson of the day is at 8am ! So, here's the meal plan for this week. (Page numbers refer to recipes from DK Books Family Kitchen Cookbook.)


lunch- beefburgers, rice & veg

dinner - chicken & veg stir-fry with noodles


lunch- spaghetti bolognese

dinner- Panacalty  (corned beef/potato stew)


lunch- Pork schnitzel with creamy mustard sauce (p129), mash & veg

dinner- General Tso's chicken with rice (p100)


lunch - Auvergne torte (cheese, potato & bacon pie) (p180) with tomato salad

dinner- Brazilian pork & beans (p141) with rice


lunch- leftovers

dinner - Chicken & Ebly stew (p104)


lunch- maybe a cheeky takeaway? - kebab or fried chicken (it's from the same shop)

dinner- there should be leftovers from lunch


lunch- chicken thighs, roast potatoes & veg

dinner- toast or leftovers

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. So sorry that you had that stress with the boiler, I hope you can get things sorted soon!

    Love meal plan, as always! We're having a takeaway tonight and I'm really looking forward to it!

  2. It sounds like you have been busy. That is rotten news about the boiler.
    Good luck with the return to school.
    Ohh! I love corned beef and potato stew and seems ages since we've had it. x

  3. Oh no, what a pain with the boiler. Hope you'll have it sorted soon. Good luck with the smooth return to school. I think I have the same book, will check out the Auvergne torte.

  4. Oh my can not believe the boiler situation how frustrating. Meals sound lovely. The cheese bacon and potato pie sounds lovely

  5. Mot had pork snitzels for ages - another brill menu
