Sunday 28 March 2021

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 13

For the first time in ages, this week was nice and calm. All my report filling and school meetings were done and dusted, phew ! It's just been announced that, as from this weekend, if one pupil is declared as Covid positive, the whole class will shut for a week and pupils will only be allowed back with a negative test, otherwise they have to stay off for two weeks. There's even a rumour that schools may be shut down completely from Wednesday onwards, so time will tell. We'll see what happens. I'm not overly worried as we're into the final term, so they've had most of their year in class. In other news, there was a report that the problems in the Suez canal may lead to a lack of toilet roll ! Sounds very strange but who knows - luckily I just bought some ! So, here's what's on the menu this week.


lunch- fish (or beefburger), mash & peas

dinner - chicken, veg & noodle stir fry


lunch- pasta carbonara

dinner- this is a bit of a "may be, may not be" dinner - I have what is supposed to be a spaghetti squash from my friend's allotment, in which case I'll serve it in something like this : Spaghetti squash with chorizo, cherry tomatoes and parmesan - but I might chop it open and discover it's not a spaghetti squash at all. We'll see ! The kids will probably turn up their noses so they can have leftover chicken stir fry


lunch- sausage & chips


lunch - baked potatoes

dinner- Spanish omelettes (or leftovers for those who prefer)


lunch- I'll be at school canteen (unless schools have closed) so the kids can fend for themselves

dinner - spaghetti bolognese


lunch- corned beef hash

dinner- pizza


lunch- roast dinner

dinner- toast or leftovers

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. Havent made corned beef hash for ages - delicious menu

  2. I'm having a roast dinner this week - can hardly wait to be honest!! Hope you're well x

  3. The pork and chorizo stew sounds rather delicious!

  4. I am glad you finally got to have a nice and calm week.
    Eek! It sounds scary about Covid. Restrictions are being lifted here but to be honest I don't expect them to last.
    The Spaghetti squash sound interesting.
    Fantastic meal plan x
